Saint of the Day for 17 July: St. Alexis

Poor in his father’s house


St. Alexis




4th Century, Rome


14 July 412, Rome


17 July


2004 edition


Glorious Saint Alexis, thou who hast received the power to eliminate all evil surrounding the Lord, I ask thee to remove my enemies from me. Take away from me the devils. Take false people away from me. Take away from me sinners. I beseech Thee to take away from me all those who wish to harm me. Take away from me all evil people so that they can never see me. Drive away from me all those who have evil thoughts and who wish to harm me. Draw me closer to the Lord so that, with his Divine Grace, I may be covered with goodness.

Patron of

Sant’Alessio con Vialone, Miagliano, Sant’Alessio in Aspromonte


of beggars

Roman Martyrology

In Rome, Saint Alexis the Confessor, son of Senator Euphemianus. He left home on his wedding night, leaving his bride intact, and, after a long pilgrimage, returned to Rome, disappointing the world with a new art, and remained incognito for seventeen years in the house of patema, staying there as a poor man; but after his death, recognised by a voice heard in the churches of Rome and by a writing of his, at the time of Pope Innocent I, he was transferred with great honour to the church of St Boniface, where he shone for many miracles.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Alexis was an extraordinary example of dedication to the mission of serving God and neighbour through his life of prayer, sacrifice and humility. His mission was not characterised by grand gestures or spectacular works, but rather by a deep-rooted desire to seek and love God in every moment of his existence.

Alexis chose to renounce his position and wealth to embrace a life of poverty and penance. He lived a hidden life, devoting himself to prayer, meditation and mortification of his ego. His extraordinary humility and total dependence on God made him a living example of humility and trust in God.

Despite his secluded life, his testimony reached many people who sought him out for spiritual advice and help in their life of faith. Saint Alexis showed that mission does not depend on visibility or human recognition, but on a deep love for God and service to others.

His life challenges us to live the Christian mission with humility and faithfulness, always seeking God’s will and putting others at the centre of our efforts. St. Alexis teaches us that the mission can be realised even in small everyday actions, when they are offered with love and dedication to God.

May the example of St. Alexis inspire us to cultivate a life of prayer, humility and service, living our mission with love and trust in God, thus giving

The Saint and Mercy

The story of Saint Alexis illustrates the importance of the Works of Mercy in the Christian life. The Works of Mercy are acts of love and compassion towards others, inspired by the teaching of Jesus Christ. They include feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, welcoming strangers, teaching the ignorant, consoling the afflicted and praying for the living and the dead.

The story of Saint Alexis underlines how these works are fundamental for Christians, as they invite us to imitate Christ in compassion, love and care for others. St. Alexis voluntarily chose to live in poverty and experience destitution, so that he could understand the suffering of those most in need and help them concretely.

St. Alexis’ example reminds us that the Works of Mercy are a practical response to Jesus’ call to care for the weakest and neediest. These works allow us to share God’s love with others and to live the Gospel in our daily lives.


“Saint Alessius was the son of a most noble man of Rome, whose name was Euphemianus, and he was the eldest who lived in the court of the Emperor; Euphemianus was a man of such wealth and magnificence, that he continually had at his service three thousand maids, who wore silken garments and golden girdles. And he was so merciful to the poor that every day in his house he had three canteens for poor pilgrims, orphans and widows”.

Alexius was born when Euphemianus and his wife, Egle, were already old; he had grown up virtuous and, having reached a suitable age, had refused a noble and rich maiden for a wife. On the eve of the wedding, however, we still read…


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