Saint of the Day for 17 February: Saints Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary

Saints Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary: History, Spirituality and Legacy


Saints Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary




17 February


2004 edition



Our Lord Jesus Christ, who in order to revive the memory of the sorrows of Your Blessed Mother, increased through the Seven Church Fathers the new family of the Order of Her Servants, and this You made distinguished with the following of so many holy sons and other most faithful Servants of God of the B. V. Mary, grant me through the intercession of my protector…. the grace I humbly ask for and especially that of serving You and Your Blessed Mother faithfully now and then reigning with You in holy heaven. So be it. Parer, Ave. Gloria.

Roman Martyrology

The seven holy Founders of the Order of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessors, whose deposition is celebrated on their respective days. They, who in life were united by the same spirit of true brotherhood and after death had all united in the veneration of the people, by Pope Leo the Tenth were also together ascribed to the catalog of Saints.


The Saint and Mission

The story of the Holy Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary is a powerful narrative about the collective mission and shared spirituality that can emerge when individuals united by the same vision and love for God come together to live according to the Gospel. These men, in the 13th century, left their secular lives to follow Christ more closely, inspired by Our Lady and moved by an ardent desire to serve God and their brothers in a spirit of humility and dedication. Their mission, rooted in deep love and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary, reflects a fundamental aspect of Christian spirituality: the call to embody God’s merciful love in the world through service to others, especially those most in need. By founding the Order of the Servants of Mary, the Seven Holy Founders not only established a religious community dedicated to contemplation and prayer, but also actively engaged in the assistance and support of local communities. Their mission is notable for its emphasis on compassion and mercy, values that guided every aspect of their ministry. Through their example, they teach us that true Marian devotion translates into a concrete commitment to others, reflecting the love and care that Mary herself shows for all of her children. This dimension of their spirituality highlights the importance of Marian intercession as a means of drawing closer to Christ and living the Gospel more fully. Furthermore, the Seven Founders demonstrate the strength of community and unity in realizing God’s mission. Their choice to live together under the same rule and their shared commitment to the same ideal of life show how collaboration and mutual support are essential to face the challenges of the spiritual journey and to carry forward God’s work in the world. Their legacy is a living reminder of the call to every Christian to be a servant of Mary and, through her, a servant of Christ. The life and mission of the Holy Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary invite us to reflect on how we too can dedicate our lives to the service of God and our brothers, inspired by their unshakable faith, by their Marian devotion and by their unconditional commitment to living the Gospel with courage and love.

The Saint and Mercy

The history of the Holy Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary is intrinsically linked to the concept of mercy, both as an inspiring principle of their mission and as a living expression of their spirituality. These men, united by their common devotion to the Virgin Mary and their desire to emulate her compassion and service, embodied mercy in every aspect of their lives, founding an order that has been a channel of grace and comfort for centuries. for the faithful. Mercy, for the Seven Founders, was not just an ideal to contemplate, but a concrete reality to live day by day. Their choice to retreat from the world and form a community dedicated to prayer and service was rooted in a deep sense of compassion for human suffering and a commitment to responding to that suffering with love and care. This decision reflects an understanding of mercy as action, as an active commitment to be present for those in need, following the example of Mary, who in the Gospels is always ready to help and intercede. Their dedication to the service of others, especially the poor and the sick, is a tangible manifestation of their Marian spirituality. They saw Mary not only as an object of devotion, but as a model of active mercy, a guide on how to live one’s life as an instrument of God’s mercy. Through their ministry, the Founders sought to embody the tenderness and care that Mary shows for all his children, becoming themselves living signs of God’s love in the world. Furthermore, the story of the Seven Founders reminds us that mercy also has a community dimension. Their choice to live together, sharing a life of prayer and service, underlines the importance of brotherhood and solidarity on the spiritual journey. Their community became a place where God’s mercy was experienced and shared, a model for every Christian community called to be a place of welcome, mutual support and sharing of divine grace. The Holy Seven Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary teach us that mercy is at the heart of the Christian mission. Their life and example invite us to reflect on how we too can be instruments of God’s mercy, living an active devotion that translates into loving service towards others and fidelity to the call to follow Christ through the imitation of virtue of Mary.

The Order of the Servants of Mary

The Order of the Servants of Mary, founded in the 13th century by a group of seven Florentine men devoted to the Virgin Mary, represents a living testimony of the profound commitment to Marian spirituality and Christian service. This order, born from the common aspiration to live according to the teachings of the Gospel and to emulate the example of Mary, has distinguished itself over the centuries for its unique approach to religious life, which emphasizes both contemplation and action. At the center of the spirituality of the Order of the Servants of Mary is the imitation of Mary’s virtues, in particular her unconditional availability to God’s will and her commitment to support and intercession for humanity. This Marian devotion is not seen just as a devotional practice, but as a way of life that inspires every aspect of its members’ existence, guiding them in their service to others and in their journey of faith. The Order is actively involved in pastoral care, education and relief for the needy, showing particular attention to those who suffer and are marginalized. Through hospitals, schools and missions, the Servants of Mary have tried to make God’s merciful love concrete, becoming instruments of hope and healing in the world. This commitment reflects the belief that true devotion to Mary is manifested through active love and faithful service to Christ and his teachings. Furthermore, the Order of the Servants of Mary has contributed significantly to the liturgical and spiritual life of the Church, promoting meditation on the mysteries of faith and encouraging a deep life of prayer among its members and in the broader Christian community. Through the celebration of the liturgy, common prayer and personal meditation, the Order has sought to deepen understanding and love for the mysteries of salvation, particularly those linked to the life of the Virgin Mary. The history and legacy of the Order of the Servants of Mary demonstrate that devotion and service are not separate aspects of the Christian life, but deeply interconnected elements that nourish each other. The example of the Servants of Mary invites us to reflect on how we can integrate love and service to God and others into our daily lives, following Mary’s example as a model of lived faith and unconditional dedication to the divine will.


There lived in Florence, at the beginning of the 13th century, seven illustrious patricians who, to nobility of blood, united great virtue; Bonfiglio Monaldi, Bonagiunta Manetti, Manetto dell’Antella, Amadio degli Amedei, Uguccione degli Uguccioni, Sostegno dei Sostegni, Alessio dei Falconieri. Ascribed to the town congregation of S. Maria Maggiore, on the Feast of the Assumption in the year 1233, in the church, they were raptured into ecstasy and…


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