Saint of the Day for 16 February: Saint Juliana of Nicomedia

St. Juliana of Nicomedia: History, Martyrdom and Devotion of the Patron Saint


Saint Juliana of Nicomedia


Virgin and martyr


3rd Century, Nicomedia


3rd Century, Nicomedia


16 February


2004 edition



Oh Lord, who glorified St. Juliana with the double crown of virginity and martyrdom, may this communion help us to overcome all the trials of life to reach Eternal Heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen

Patroness of

Caponago, Borgolavezzaro


Of the sick, birthing

Roman Martyrology

In Nicomedia Saint Juliana, Virgin and Martyr, who, under Emperor Maximian, first severely beaten by Africanus her father, then in various ways tormented by Prefect Evilasius, with whom she had refused to marry, and then thrown into prison, openly fought with the devil and finally, having overcome the flames and a boiling cauldron, accomplished her martyrdom by beheading. Her body was then transported to Cumae in Campania.


The Saint and Mission

St. Juliana of Nicomedia, a figure of profound courage and unshakable faith, offers us lasting inspiration about the nature of Christian mission, especially when confronted with persecution and suffering. Her story, set in ancient Nicomedia during the first Christian persecutions, is an example of how dedication to Christ can guide an individual through the most extreme trials, illuminating the mission of bearing witness to the Gospel with one’s life. St. Juliana’s mission manifests itself in her refusal to renounce her faith despite extreme pressure from her, including her rejection of a marriage to a powerful man who did not share her Christian devotion. This act is not only a personal testimony to her faith, but also becomes a powerful symbol of her commitment to the Christian principles of truth, purity, and dedication to God above all others. Her martyrdom, the result of his steadfast resistance to compromising her Christian values, is a fundamental chapter of her mission. In her suffering and death, Saint Juliana embodies the concept of testimony – or martyrdom, in its original meaning – demonstrating that the Christian faith is not just a matter of private beliefs, but a commitment that may require the supreme sacrifice. Her story is a powerful reminder that Christian mission sometimes comes at a profound personal cost, but it is also a source of strength and hope for other believers. Furthermore, the life of Saint Juliana reminds us of the importance of spiritual resistance and prayer as foundations of Christian mission. Even in the face of suffering and death, her faith remains unshakable, a witness to her deep connection with God and her confidence in the ultimate victory of divine grace and mercy. The devotion to Saint Juliana of Nicomedia, kept alive over the centuries, also underlines the continuous mission of the saints in the mystical body of Christ. Saints are not simply historical figures to be admired; they are companions and intercessors on our faith journey, inspiring us to more fully live out our baptismal commitment to bear witness to Christ in the world. The story of Saint Juliana of Nicomedia is a call to reflect on the depth and meaning of the Christian mission in our lives. She challenges us to consider how we can remain true to our spiritual principles in the face of trials and to live our faith so that it bears witness to the light of Christ in a world that often seems shrouded in darkness. Her legacy is an invitation to carry forward the mission of love, truth and hope that defines the heart of Christianity.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Juliana of Nicomedia, whose life was marked by extreme trials because of her faith, profoundly embodies the dimension of Christian mercy, showing how even in the heart of suffering, God’s grace and love can shine forcefully. Her story, enriched by elements of resistance, faith and courage, offers a unique perspective on how mercy can manifest itself through perseverance in faith and forgiveness, even in the face of the most serious injustice. Mercy in Saint Juliana is revealed not only in her ability to endure suffering and torture to remain faithful to her Christian faith, but also in her willingness to forgive those who caused her such pain. This willingness to forgive, even in the face of those who persecuted her, reflects the profound understanding of divine mercy that she forgives and loves unconditionally. Juliana thus becomes a living example of Christ’s command to love one’s enemies and pray for those who persecute us, demonstrating that true strength lies in the ability to respond to hatred with love. Furthermore, the story of Saint Juliana of Nicomedia highlights the role of mercy as a transformative force. Her endurance and testimony of faith are not only a personal triumph, but also serve as a source of inspiration to others, showing how God’s grace can work through the most adverse circumstances to bring about conversion and spiritual healing. Her life is a reminder that, even in times of greatest tribulation, we are never alone; God’s mercy accompanies us, offering us comfort and hope. The veneration of Saint Juliana of Nicomedia over the centuries testifies to the lasting impact of her faith and her testimony of mercy. As the patron saint of those who suffer for justice, she Juliana continues to be a figure of intercession and guidance for the faithful, encouraging them to seek God’s mercy in their own lives and to practice mercy towards others. Saint Juliana of Nicomedia reminds us that mercy is at the heart of the Christian gospel, a call to live with faith, hope and love, even in the most difficult trials. Her life is an invitation to reflect on how we can embody God’s mercy in our daily lives, showing love and forgiveness to those around us, and finding in our relationship with God the strength to face any challenge.


Saint Juliana, the one who frightened the devil. The stories, or rather the legends, of the martyred saints of the first centuries of Christianity seem, at first glance, all similar. Instead, they have knowing nuances and diversity of meaning, or at least poetry. St. Agatha and…


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