Saint of the Day for 15 September: Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows
Silent Compassion: Reflections on the Mission of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows
Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows
Mary’s distraught heart
15 September
2004 edition
O great Queen of Martyrs and most desolate of all mothers, your sorrow is as immense as the sea, for all the wounds that the sins of men have imprinted on the sacred body of your divine Son are there all gathered together to pierce your heart. Here prostrate at your feet is the most unworthy sinner, sincerely repentant of having pierced the divine Redeemer. The sins I have committed are more grievous than what I can suffer to erase them. Deh, blessed Mother, imprint in my heart the most holy wounds of your love, that I may yearn only to suffer and die with Jesus crucified, and to breathe my penitent soul into your most pure heart. So be it. Mary of Sorrows, Mother of all Christians, pray for us.
Saint Patron of
Abbiategrasso, Mola di Bari, Noci, Adelfia, Margherita di Savoia, Soverato, San Giorgio di Nogaro, Villanova Mondovì, Angera, Cerda
Roman Martyrology
Memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows, who, at the foot of Jesus’ cross, was intimately and faithfully associated with the saving passion of her Son and presented herself as the new Eve, so that, just as the first woman’s disobedience led to death, so her admirable obedience led to life.
The Saint and Mission
The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, celebrated on 15 September, invites us to reflect on the pain and sacrifice of Mary, who accompanied her son on his journey of suffering to the cross. The concept of ‘mission’ within this commemoration takes shape through different prisms of meaning and action:
Empathy and Compassion
Mary, in her silent and dignified suffering, becomes a model of empathy and compassion. Her mission becomes that of being there for those who suffer, offering listening, comfort and understanding, playing a maternal role in healing the wounds of soul and body.
Welcoming Sorrow
The figure of Our Lady of Sorrows reminds us of our mission to welcome pain, not only as an inevitable trial of life, but as a dimension through which we can grow spiritually, purify our hearts and come closer to God and others.
Mary, through her role as suffering mother and consoler, takes on a mission of consolation towards humanity. She invites us to become comforters in our turn, bringing hope and light to situations of darkness and despair.
Intercession and Prayer
The Virgin Mary, through her pain, becomes a powerful channel of intercession, a figure who prays unceasingly for us. Our mission, inspired by her, becomes one of interceding for one another, bringing the needs and sufferings of others before God in prayer.
Peace Education
The Virgin of Sorrows, who saw her son die violently, becomes a symbol of an educational mission towards peace. She invites us to work for justice, to promote non-violence and to educate new generations to a love that overcomes hatred and division.
In the theological context, the concept of Mary Coredemptrix highlights Mary’s active and substantial participation in the mystery of the redemption wrought by Christ. This aspect emphasises a mission profoundly united with that of Christ, inviting the faithful to actively collaborate in the salvation of humanity through the offering of their own sufferings and sacrifices.
The figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows calls us to a mission of profound compassion, active solidarity with those who suffer, and commitment to building a more just and peaceful world, where pain can be transformed into hope through love and sacrifice.
The Saint and Mercy
The Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows, an iconic figure of mercy and profound understanding of human pain, stands as a symbol of unconditional maternal love and sacrifice. Her image, deeply intertwined with the passion of her son Jesus, reminds us of the depth of mercy that is ready to share and bear the greatest pain out of love.
The mercy that Mary exemplifies is not superficial; it is a kind of mercy that knows heartbreak, silent tears and the depth of a love that goes beyond death itself. At the most tragic moment of her life, seeing her son suffer and die on the cross, Mary stands firm, a pillar of strength and dignity, a mother who embraces pain with immeasurable grace.
Despite the profound pain she experienced, the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows did not close in on herself or allow her heart to be overwhelmed by hatred or despair. Instead, she opened her heart to mercy, becoming a refuge for all those seeking comfort and understanding in their pain. His ability to maintain a compassionate heart in the midst of pain is a testimony to the transformative power of mercy.
Through his figure, we are called to reflect on the deeper meaning of mercy. Not only as an act of kindness towards others, but as a path of profound communion with the pain of others, of a true sharing of love that goes beyond human limits and is able to illuminate even the darkest corners of human existence with the light of hope and redemption.
The Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows invites us to cultivate a merciful heart that is ready to understand and welcome the pain of others with a motherly love, unconditional and without judgement. In a world often marked by harshness and lack of understanding, the silent but powerful call to mercy that emanates from the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows serves as a beacon of light, guiding us towards a path of healing, empathy and true love.
Every glance given to her by Jesus, every accent of that gentle lip, as it lifted Mary on the wings of maternal love, plunged her into the investigable abyss of the bitterest sorrow. If the Virgin rejoiced in contemplating that graceful face, she was soon disturbed by the desolating thought that one day that face would be disfigured by the beatings and the…