Saint of the Day for 15 February: Saints Faustinus and Jovita

Saints Faustinus and Jovita: Brother Martyrs and Protectors of Brescia


Saints Faustinus and Jovita




15 February


2004 edition



O glorious Saints Faustinus and Jovita, our Protectors, who were the first in Brescia to embrace and preach the faith of Jesus Christ, do not forget your adopted sons who are still found militating in this land, support them, assist them, make them all worthy of the name they bear by their faith and life in conformity with their faith.

Patrons of

Vaglio Basilicata, Pietradefusi, Sorbolo Mezzani, Brescia, Chiari, Darfo Boario Terme, Sarezzo, Botticino, Brembate, Villa d’Almè, Quinzano d’Oglio, Bienno, Malonno, Gravellona Lomellina, Monte Isola, Fonteno, Pontedera, Tre Ville

Roman Martyrology

In Brescia, Saints Faustinus and Jovita, martyrs, who, after many struggles sustained for the faith of Christ, received the victorious crown of martyrdom.


The Saint and Mission

Saints Faustino and Giovita, brothers in faith as well as in life, offer a shining example of how the Christian mission can be lived and witnessed with courage and dedication. Their story, rooted in the first persecutions of Christians, tells of two men who, faced with oppression and the danger of death, chose to remain steadfast in their faith, becoming symbols of spiritual resistance and moral strength for the believers of every era. The mission of Saints Faustino and Giovita was deeply intertwined with their Christian identity. Not only did they courageously face persecution, but they also actively sought to spread the message of the Gospel, testifying to their faith through words and examples. This ardent dedication to the spread of the Christian faith, despite personal risks, underlines a crucial dimension of the Christian mission: the proclamation of the Gospel is not only a task reserved for moments of peace and security, but is also and above all a commitment that manifests itself in times of trial and difficulty. Through their martyrdom, Saints Faustino and Giovita embodied the concept of testimony to the extreme sacrifice, offering their lives as a supreme act of faith and love towards God. Their martyrdom does not mark the end of their mission, but rather the its transformation and amplification. By becoming martyrs, they left a legacy of encouragement and hope for other Christians, demonstrating that death is not the end, but the transition to a new life in Christ. Furthermore, their history and worship have strengthened the sense of community among Christians, especially in their hometown of Brescia, where they are venerated as patrons. Their example has inspired generations of faithful to live their faith with greater fervor and commitment, remembering that the call to follow Christ can require courage and, at times, great sacrifices. Saints Faustino and Giovita teach us that the Christian mission is a call to unconditional love, to the courage to bear witness to one’s faith and to trust in God, even in the face of the greatest adversities. Their life and martyrdom are a perpetual warning and a source of inspiration, reminding us that every Christian is called to be a missionary of the Gospel, not only with words, but with the concrete testimony of his or her life.

The Saint and Mercy

The story of Saints Faustino and Giovita, Christian martyrs venerated for their courage and unshakable faith, is imbued with lessons on mercy, a fundamental aspect of the Christian message that they lived in an exemplary manner. Their testimony is not limited only to the act of martyrdom, but extends to the depth of mercy they demonstrated in their lives and preaching, embodying God’s merciful love towards humanity. Faustino and Giovita, through their ministry and their final sacrifice, highlighted the power of divine mercy. Their steadfast resistance to persecution, combined with their willingness to forgive those who persecuted them, reflects a deep belief that mercy is a more powerful transformative force than hatred and violence. Their example is a living reminder of the Christian call to be instruments of mercy, showing compassion and love even in the most difficult circumstances. Furthermore, Faustino and Giovita experienced mercy as a mission of service and testimony. They did not limit themselves to professing their faith through words, but embodied it through concrete acts of love and assistance towards those in need, thus testifying to the living presence of Christ in the world. Their story teaches us that Christian mercy goes beyond feelings; it is an active commitment to living according to the Gospel, seeking to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote justice and peace. The devotion to Saints Faustino and Giovita, especially in their city of Brescia, continues to inspire the faithful to reflect on the meaning of mercy in their lives. Their spiritual legacy encourages communities to rediscover the joy of fraternal service and solidarity, reminding everyone that the call to holiness is intrinsically linked to the practice of mercy. Saints Faustino and Giovita remind us that at the heart of the Christian faith there is an incessant invitation to exercise mercy, to forgive incessantly and to love without reservation. Their life and martyrdom are a warning and an inspiration to live mercy as the main path towards a profound communion with God and with our brothers and sisters in humanity.


Saints Faustino and Giovita were born in Brescia to a noble family, and were educated Christianly from an early age. During Hadrian’s persecution, they dedicated themselves to visiting and comforting confessors of the Christian faith. As a reward for their perseverance in this apostolate, Apollonius, then bishop of the city, admitted them to sacred orders: Faustino was made a priest and Giovita a deacon. After the consecration the holy brothers redoubled their zeal and…


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