Saint of the Day for 14 July: Saint Camillus de Lellis

The Saint who healed body and soul


Saint Camillus de Lellis




25 May 1550, Bucchianico, Chieti


14 July 1614, Rome


14 July


2004 edition


17 April 1742, Rome, Pope Benedict XIV


29 June 1746, Rome, Pope Benedict XIV


Glorious St. Camillus, special protector of the sick poor, who for forty years, with a truly heroic charity, you consecrated yourself to the relief of their spiritual and bodily miseries, may you succour them even more generously now that you are a saint in heaven and that they have been entrusted by the Church to your protection. Obtain for them, from God, the healing of the evils they suffer, or the patience and Christian resignation that sanctify and comfort them in the hour of their passing, and at the same time impart to us the great grace of living and dying by your example in the practice of Divine Love.

Patron of

Abruzzo, Lumarzo, Lusevera


of patients, hospitals, hospital staff

Roman Martyrology

St. Camillus de Lellis, priest, who was born near Chieti in Abruzzo, after having followed the military life since his adolescence and having shown himself inclined to the vices of the world, matured his conversion and zealously served the sick in the hospital of the incurables as if they were Christ himself; ordained priest, he founded the Congregation of the Clerics Regular Ministers of the Sick in Rome.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Camillus de Lellis was an extraordinary example of dedication to the mission of serving the sick and needy. His life was marked by a deep compassion and an unwavering commitment to alleviating people’s physical and spiritual suffering.

St. Camillus’ mission was manifested in the founding of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick, dedicated to the assistance and care of the sick. He embraced his role as ‘servant of the servants of God’ with humility and generosity, offering a model of loving service that inspired many.

His mission was not only limited to the physical aspect, but also embraced the spiritual dimension. St. Camillus encouraged his brothers to nurture faith and bring spiritual consolation to the sick, offering them hope and support during difficult times.

The figure of St. Camillus challenges us to reflect on the mission of service and care for others. He invites us to recognise the importance of setting aside our personal interests to respond to the needs of others, especially those in situations of fragility and suffering.

The life of St. Camillus reminds us that the mission of love and service has no boundaries and can be lived in every area of our lives. Whether in our work, our family or our community, we can follow the example of St. Camillus in offering loving service to others, bringing comfort, hope and care to those in need.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Camillus de Lellis lived at a time when medical care and assistance to the sick was often lacking. However, his dedication and passion to help those most in need drove him to make a difference.

Of his words, the best known is:

“Path of conversion and dedication to caring for the sick,

Path to the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm’.

St. Camillus not only cared for the physical needs of the sick, but was also concerned with their spiritual well-being. He believed that the body and soul were closely interconnected and that the overall well-being of people required attention to both aspects.

His mercy continues to be alive through the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm, which works all over the world to provide medical care and assistance to the sick.

St. Camillus’ care of the sick is a tangible example of a Work of Mercy. His selfless commitment to assisting the weakest and treating those who suffer with compassion is a reminder to all of us to follow his example and be there for others in times of need. Her testimony reminds us that love and compassion are concrete actions we can take to alleviate suffering and bring hope to those who are sick or in need.

Founder of

Saint Camillus founded the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm, also known as the Camillians. The order’s main objective was to care for the sick and needy, following the example of Christ who had dedicated much of his ministry to healing the sick.

St Camillus and his followers were committed to living the corporal Works of Mercy, which include visiting the sick, burying the dead, feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty. Their dedication also extended to spiritual Works of Mercy, such as comforting the sick, teaching the ignorant and praying for the living and the dead.


Announced by a dream, St Camillus de’Lellis was born on 25 May 1550 in Bucchianico in the diocese of Chieti, to a very elderly mother who died shortly after the birth of her son.

At the age of 6, he also lost his father, which explains how little Camillus, left to his own devices, had a very free youth until the Lord called him to…


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