Saint of the Day for 14 January: St. Felix of Nola

Saint Felix of Nola: History and Legacy of a Patron Saint in Christian Tradition


St. Felix of Nola


Confessor and martyr


mid-3rd century, Nola


c. 313, Nola


14 January


2004 edition


O God, who in the glorious martyrdom of St. Felix the Confessor gave us a sign of your loving presence in the Church, grant that we, who trust in his intercession, may imitate him in firmness of faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Patron saints of

Cimitile, Montepaone, Monticello d’Alba, Oviglio, Senale-San Felice, Colleretto Giacosa

Roman Martyrology

At Nola in Campania, St. Felix, a priest, who, as St. Paulinus reports, suffered atrocious tortures in prison during the raging persecutions and, once peace was restored, returned to his own, retiring in poverty until advanced old age, an inveterate confessor of the faith.


The Saint and Mission

St. Felix of Nola is a figure who profoundly embodies the concept of mission in Christianity. He lived in the third century, at a time of intense persecution against Christians, and his life is distinguished by an indomitable courage and faith, central aspects of his spiritual mission. St. Felix’s mission was not just that of a preacher or martyr in the traditional sense; it was a mission lived out through daily resilience and a deep personal commitment to faith. Even in the face of grave dangers and threats, he maintained a steadfast dedication to his beliefs, becoming a living example of faith and resilience for the Christian community of that time. A remarkable aspect of St. Felix’s mission was his ability to inspire and strengthen the faith of others. He did not simply endure his sufferings in silence; his endurance and hope became a beacon for other believers, offering them comfort and courage. In this sense, his mission transcended the personal and was deeply rooted in the community. Moreover, the life of St. Felix of Nola reminds us that Christian mission can take many forms, often less conspicuous but no less meaningful. His legacy teaches us that faithfulness in adverse circumstances and unwavering commitment to what one believes can be powerful expressions of a mission lived with authenticity and passion.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Felix of Nola, a historical figure in Christianity, exemplarily embodies the concept of mercy, a fundamental virtue of the Christian faith. Living in a time of persecution, his life was a vivid example of how mercy can be practiced even in the most adverse circumstances. St. Felix’s mercy was manifested through his unceasing dedication to the service of others, especially to the most vulnerable and needy. Despite difficult living conditions and constant threats to his safety, he did not hesitate to put his own life on the line to help those in need, thus demonstrating a deep compassion and empathy that went beyond his own personal well-being. St. Felix was not only a physical rescuer; his mercy extended to spiritual comfort as well. In a time of great uncertainty and fear, he offered words of hope and comfort to those who were persecuted, representing a source of light and guidance in dark times. The life of St. Felix of Nola reminds us that mercy is not just an act of kindness toward others, but a profound expression of faith and commitment to Christian principles. His legacy is a powerful reminder that mercy is to be practiced not only in words, but through concrete actions and personal sacrifice, especially in times of difficulty and trial.


The few tidings about St. Felix are given us by St. Paulinus of Nola in his Christmas Carols, St. Felix also called in Pincis, a Nola priest was born in Nola in the second half of the third century of a noble family, was put in prison by the enemies of our holy faith, was freed by an Angel, who led him to a mountain, where he gave succor to St. Maximus bishop of Nola, who was hidden there, and consumed by hunger and cold. He animated his fellow citizens to patience in the severe persecution, which by divine permission, moved against the faithful the idolaters, and by his example taught them the way to make their way, through the suffering of temporal miseries, to eternal consolations. Persecuted again by the infidels, God miraculously delivered him from their hands, causing him to pass through their midst, and…


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