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Saint of the Day for 12 June: St. Onofrio

St. Onofrio: Life, Hermitage and Spiritual Legacy of the Hermit Saint


St. Onofrio




3rd Century, Egypt


4th Century, Egypt


12 June


2004 edition


O our glorious St. Onofrio, who repudiated the grandeur of the household in order to consecrate your best years to the humiliations of the Cross among the severity of the Cloister and the solitude of the desert, thus informing your life to the purest ideals of Heaven, we all devoutly venerate you and implore that, at your intercession, divine grace may inform our spirit to be emulators of your virtues. But you, who were chosen to be our holy protector and know our afflictions, our misfortunes, our sorrows, let a ray of your light enlighten our souls amid the darkness of the present age. And may this light, the mark of special protection, be reflected on the children of this land, who for You throb with living faith, and may it be for us a shield against the dangers of the world and especially against the immense scourge of the earthquake, which often scatters over the peoples desolation and ruin. But special protection we beseech You for our fellow citizens in the distant Americas, that strong in their Aegis, they may always remain immune from the dangers they face. And may this protection descend abundantly into the spirits and hearts of all so that one day, nourished by Your grace and nourished by Your faith, we may sing the hymn of victory among the eternal splendors of paradise.

Patron of

Dicomano, Sant’Onofrio, Casacalenda, Sutera, Casalvecchio Siculo, Campodimele, Centrache

Roman Martyrology

In Egypt Saint Onophrius Anchorite, who spent his life religiously for sixty years in a vast desert, and, illustrious for great virtues and merits, flew to heaven. His distinguished works were narrated by Abbot Pafnutius.


The Saint and Mission

St. Onofrio, also known as Onofrio the Anchorite, dedicated his life to a mission of prayer and penance in the Egyptian desert. Born into a Persian royal family, he chose to abandon all wealth and privilege to follow a divine call toward a life of solitude and communion with God. His mission was to live in complete harmony with nature and in total dependence on divine providence. Onofrio spent decades in the desert, devoting himself to contemplation and mortification, seeking to purify his soul and draw ever closer to God. His life of extreme austerity and isolation was a living testimony to the power of faith and prayer. Though living far from human communities, Onofrio was keenly aware of humanity’s spiritual needs and prayed unceasingly for the salvation of souls. His example of total surrender to the divine will inspired many, becoming a model of holiness for the monks and hermits who followed. His life reminds us that Christian mission can take different forms, including the radical path of hermitage, where solitude and silence become places of encounter with God. St. Onofrio demonstrated that a life dedicated to prayer and sacrifice can have a deep and lasting impact, offering a powerful call to conversion and holiness.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Onofrio is a profound symbol of divine mercy lived in a radical way. Although he chose a life of solitude in the desert, his existence was imbued with deep compassion and love for humanity. Onofrio abandoned the world to devote himself completely to God, and in this abandonment he found a unique way to intercede for the world. His unceasing prayer for souls demonstrates a mercy that goes beyond direct action, entering into the mystery of spiritual communion. In his hermitage, Onofrio experienced divine providence in extraordinary ways. He lived on what nature offered him, showing total reliance on God’s mercy for daily sustenance. His ability to endure hardship and hardship, with faith and serenity, is a sign of his deep understanding of God’s mercy, which never abandons those who trust in Him completely. St. Onofrio teaches us that mercy is not limited to outward actions, but can be an inner attitude of prayer and sacrifice for the good of others. Even in solitude, his life was a continuous act of love and compassion, praying for the world and offering his sufferings as a gift for the salvation of souls. Her story invites us to recognize that every form of life consecrated to God, even the most hidden and silent, can be a powerful vehicle of divine mercy.


According to legend, he was the son of a king, long desired, but who, as soon as he was born, was pointed out by a demon as the son of an adulterous affair of the queen: subjected to the “trial by fire,” he would emerge unscathed. He isolated himself by devoting himself to the hermit life while still very young. The Egyptian monk Pafnutius, eager to learn about the life of the anchorites of the desert, met him and…


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