Saint of the Day for 12 July: Saints Hermagoras and Fortunatus of Aquileia

Unwavering faith and ardent apostolic mission


Saints Hermagoras and Fortunatus of Aquileia




12 July


2004 edition

Patron of

Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Venice, Udine, Grado, Buja, Fossalta di Piave, Aquileia, Trasaghis, Arta Terme, Tambre


The Saints and Mission

Saints Ermagoras and Fortunatus of Aquileia were two extraordinary witnesses of the apostolic mission in the context of the city of the two rivers. Their lives and ministry demonstrated a profound dedication to spreading the Christian faith and bringing the message of love and salvation to the people of Aquileia and beyond.

As missionaries, Saints Hermagoras and Fortunatus faced challenges and difficulties in spreading the Gospel in a sometimes hostile society. However, their unwavering faith and passion for Christian truth drove them forward, zealously proclaiming the good news of Christ.

The mission of these saints was not only limited to preaching the word of God, but also extended to serving the needy and building up the community. They promoted brotherly love, justice and solidarity, thus bearing witness to the light of the Gospel in daily life.

Their witness inspires us to pursue the Christian mission with ardour, to be bold in proclaiming the truth and to live an authentic faith that translates into concrete actions of love and service. Saints Hermagoras and Fortunatus remind us that mission is not just a task for priests or religious, but for all the baptised who are called to witness to the Gospel in every aspect of their lives.

May their lives and example encourage us to live our mission with passion as bearers of hope and love in a world that needs the light of Christ.

The Saints and Mercy

These two saints fully represent the commitment to evangelise and admonish sinners, one of the most important Works of Mercy. Indeed, it consists in spreading the word of God and calling to conversion those who have strayed from the path of virtue. Through their preaching and witness of life, they have dedicated themselves to bringing the message of salvation to all people, seeking to lead them to salvation and reconciliation with God.

Their mission of evangelisation led them to denounce sin and warn sinners of the spiritual consequences of sin, always animated by compassion and the hope that even the most lost might find their way back to redemption. This commitment to evangelise and warn sinners represents one of the most important works of Christian mercy, as it aims to safeguard the salvation of souls and lead people towards a life of holiness and fullness in the love of God.


The definition of the personality of Hermagoras and the development of his cult, destined to be of great importance in north-eastern Italy, apparently dates back to the 7th century, when, following the schism known as the Three Chapters, the Aquileian patriarchate claimed its autonomy from the Church of Rome.

To ensure a historical and theological basis for this claim, the foundation of the episcopal see of Aquileia was attributed to the evangelist Mark, who…


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