Saint of the Day for 11 November: St. Martin of Tours

St. Martin of Tours: the bishop who shared his cloak with the poor man


St. Martin of Tours




316, Sabaria, Pannonia


November 08, 397, Candes


11 November


2004 edition


O glorious St. Martin, who by your generous charity, which moved you to cut off with the sword your military mantle to cover a poor man almost naked, you deserved to be personally visited, commended and instructed by Jesus Christ in all that he wanted of you, and preserved still from death, when, launched to the homeland for the conversion of your parents, you fell into the hands of thieves, and when, shut up in the wilderness you fed on poisoned grass without knowing it, obtain for us all the grace of always employing to the relief of our needy brethren our lights, our substances and all our strength, so that we may merit most special divine assistance in all our spiritual and corporal needs. Glory.

Patron Saint of

Sesto Fiorentino, Belluno, Bollate, Riccione, Casalecchio di Reno, Treviglio, Legnago, Magenta, Paese, Lastra a Signa

Protector of

Innkeepers, horsemen, majolica makers, infantry, outsiders, beggars, soldiers, geese, hosts, pilgrims, tailors, sinisters, soldiers, betrayed, grape harvesters, winemakers

Roman Martyrology

Memory of St. Martin, bishop, on the day of his deposition: born of pagan parents in Pannonia, in the territory of present-day Hungary, and called to military service in France, while still a catechumen he covered with his cloak Christ himself concealed in the guise of a poor man. Having received baptism, he left arms and led near Ligugé a monastic life in a coenoby he himself founded, under the guidance of St. Hilary of Poitiers. Finally ordained a priest and elected bishop of Tours, he manifested in himself the model of the good shepherd, founding other monasteries and parishes in the villages, instructing and reconciling the clergy and evangelizing the peasants, until at Candes he returned to the Lord.


The Saint and Mission

St. Martin of Tours, through his life and ministry, offers a shining example of how Christian mission can be embodied in every aspect of existence. Born in a time and environment far removed from the Christian tradition, his transformation and commitment to the faith represent a powerful story of conversion and total dedication to the service of God and neighbor.

Martin’s mission began with an act of extraordinary generosity-the sharing of his cloak with a beggar-that symbolized his entire approach to the Christian life. This simple but profound gesture has become an icon of Christian charity and perfectly illustrates the heart of his mission: to see Christ in others, especially those most in need, and to respond with love and compassion.

As bishop of Tours, Martin was committed to spreading the Gospel not only through words, but especially through the example of his life. He was known for his ascetic lifestyle, his humility, and his closeness to the poor and suffering. His mission was not limited to the walls of the church; it extended into the streets, into the homes of the poor and wherever there was a need for comfort and hope.

The way Martin dealt with the challenges of his time, including conflicts with civil authorities and the fight against heresy, reflected his commitment to a mission that was consistent with the Gospel values of truth, justice and love of peace. His ability to negotiate peace and mediate conflicts shows that his mission was deeply rooted in the pursuit of reconciliation and harmony according to Gospel principles.

St. Martin teaches us that Christian mission is not reduced to preaching or conversion; rather, it is a call to live the faith authentically through acts of love, service and personal sacrifice. His life reminds us that we are all called to be missionaries, not only in words, but especially through the actions of our daily lives.

St. Martin of Tours remains a powerful example of how Christian mission can be lived out in an integral way, touching people’s lives in profoundly transformative ways. His legacy continues to inspire all those who seek to embody the Gospel in their lives, demonstrating that true mission begins in the heart and extends in a love that embraces all.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Martin of Tours, known for his gesture of sharing his cloak with a beggar, is one of the most emblematic figures of mercy in the history of Christianity. His life provides a clear example of how mercy can be lived out through simple but deeply meaningful actions.

Born into a pagan family and later converted to Christianity, Martin chose to live a life of humility and service, becoming one of the first monks in the West and later bishop of Tours. His existence was characterized by a deep empathy for the poor and suffering, and a conviction that every act of kindness reflected Christ’s love for the world.

The famous cloak episode was not an isolated act of generosity, but part of a life dedicated to the service of others. Martin was known for his compassionate approach to those who were marginalized by society, including lepers, whom many shunned. His ministry was a continuous witness to God’s mercy, which was expressed through care and concern for those most in need.

His way of experiencing mercy was deeply rooted in his faith. For Martin, showing mercy was not simply a matter of ethics or moral duty, but a natural response to grace received. His life of prayer and intimate communion with God nurtured his ability to see Christ in every person he encountered, especially in the poor and suffering.

St. Martin of Tours teaches us that mercy is not just an add-on option to the Christian life; it is essential, an integral part of being a disciple of Christ. His example challenges us to look beyond ourselves and our comforts, to recognize and respond to the needs of those around us. His life reminds us that even the smallest gestures of kindness can have a profound impact and that mercy is a powerful means of transformation for both the recipient and the giver.


One of the most distinguished adornments of the Church in the 4th century was certainly St. Martin, bishop of Tours and founder of monasticism in France.

Born in 316 in Sabaria, a city in Pannonia, present-day Hungary, to noble but pagan parents, while still a child he moved to Pavia, where he came to know the Christian religion. At age 10 without his parents’ knowledge he became a catechumen, and…


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