Saint of the Day for 11 February: Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes

Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes: Apparitions, Messages and Spiritual Meaning


Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes




11 February


2004 edition



O beautiful Immaculate Conception, I prostrate here before your blessed Image and gathered in spirit with the countless pilgrims who always praise and bless you in the cave and temple of Lourdes, I promise you perpetual fidelity, and I consecrate to you the feelings of my heart, the thoughts of my mind, the senses of my body, and all my will. Oh! O Immaculate Virgin, first of all provide me with a place in the Celestial Homeland, and grant me the grace… and let the longed-for day come soon, in which I arrive to contemplate you gloriously in Paradise, and there forever to praise you and thank you for your tender patronage and bless the SS. Trinity that made you so powerful and merciful. Amen.

Patroness of

Gravedona ed Uniti, Credaro, Sueglio

Roman Martyrology

In Lourdes, France, the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate.


The Saint and Mission

The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes represents a figure of extraordinary importance in the understanding of the Christian mission, illuminating the path of faith with her presence and her messages. The Marian apparitions in Lourdes, which occurred in 1858 to Bernadette Soubirous, are not only events of profound spirituality, but also powerful reminders of the mission that every believer is called to live: a mission of prayer, penance, and action in the world. The presence of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes marks a turning point for many, becoming a place where faith is renewed, hopes are rekindled, and healing—both physical and spiritual—becomes a tangible testimony to God’s mercy. Mary, introducing herself like the Immaculate Conception, it not only confirms a dogma of faith, but invites all the faithful to contemplate the mystery of God’s pure and spotless love, a love that purifies and renews. The intrinsic mission of the Lourdes apparitions is to remind us of the importance of conversion of the heart. Mary asks for prayers and penance for the conversion of sinners, underlining that the Christian mission includes a dimension of compassion and intercession for others. This invitation proves particularly pertinent in an era marked by individualism and spiritual detachment, reminding us that salvation is a community reality, which is achieved in sharing God’s love and forgiveness. Furthermore, Lourdes becomes an epicenter of mission through welcome and service. Millions of pilgrims, many of whom carry heavy physical and spiritual burdens, find in this sacred place an oasis of peace and comfort. Lourdes volunteers, serving the sick and suffering, embody the mission of love and mercy that Mary entrusted to the Church, showing how selfless service is a path towards holiness. The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes calls us, therefore, to a mission of profound spiritual solidarity with the world. Through prayer, the offering of our sufferings, and service to others, we are invited to participate in the redemptive work of Christ, bringing the light of the Gospel into the darkness of the contemporary world. The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes and her messages are a living reminder of the Church’s ongoing mission in the world: a mission that requires courage, faith, and an unconditional commitment to live and bear witness to God’s merciful love for every person.

The Saint and Mercy

The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes is a powerful and touching manifestation of divine mercy, which has left an indelible mark on the history of Christian spirituality. His apparitions to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, at the cave of Massabielle, near Lourdes, France, have become one of the greatest symbols of God’s mercy towards humanity, attracting millions of pilgrims from all over the world in search of comfort, healing and hope. Mercy, in the context of the Marian apparitions of Lourdes, manifests itself through the message and the very presence of the Virgin Mary. She reveals herself to Bernadette, a simple local girl, choosing to manifest herself in a humble environment and to an individual of modest condition, thus highlighting God’s predilection for the little ones and the suffering. This act of humility and closeness is a clear sign of the mercy that does not discriminate, but seeks and welcomes everyone, especially those who are on the margins of society. Through her words and her actions in Lourdes, Mary invites everyone to pray and do penance for the conversion of sinners, underlining the importance of mercy as a path towards reconciliation and inner peace. The message of Lourdes, therefore, is not only an invitation to personal prayer, but also a reminder of collective responsibility in spreading God’s mercy and love in the world. Furthermore, Lourdes has become a place of pilgrimage where countless faithful have experienced physical and spiritual healings, witnessing divine mercy in action. These miracles, recognized and unrecognized, are tangible signs of God’s merciful love, which touches and transforms lives in often mysterious and surprising ways. The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes reminds us that God’s mercy is infinite and available to all who seek it with a sincere heart. His presence and message in Lourdes continue to be a source of inspiration and comfort to believers around the world, reminding us that, in the heart of suffering and searching, we can find hope, healing and the loving face of God. The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes is a powerful emblem of divine mercy, inviting each of us to reflect on our lives, to approach God with trust and to become instruments of His mercy in our wounded world.


In a century full of disbelief, in a nation pervaded by atheism, such as France was in the 19th century. Mary proclaims herself Immaculate, and she begins a series of miracles that are the most eloquent apologia for the supernatural. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Mary. it had been proclaimed just four years ago, but the discussions in pro and…


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