Saint of the Day for 10 February: St. Scholastica

Saint Scholastica: Life, Legacy and Influence of the Sister of Saint Benedict on Monasticism


St. Scholastica




2 March 480, Norcia, Umbria


10 February 543, Montecassino, Lazio


10 February


2004 edition



Oh Holy Virgin Scholastica, in leaving this earth do not forget us! Our souls are destined to follow you, although they are deprived of the same enchantment in the eyes of the Lord. Less fortunate than yours, they will have to purify themselves for a long time before being admitted into the living room where they will contemplate your bliss. Your prayer forced the clouds of heaven to rain on the earth: may it obtain for us the tears of penance. Your delights consisted in conversation about eternal things: remove our futile and harmful ones: let us taste those in which our souls aspire to unite with God. You found the secret of that fraternal charity, the feeling of which is a perfume of virtue that gladden the heart of God: open our hearts to love our brothers; eliminates their coldness and indifference, so that we can love each other as God wants us to love each other


of new mothers

Roman Martyrology

Memory of the deposition of Saint Scholastica, virgin, who, sister of Saint Benedict, consecrated to God since childhood, had such communion in God together with her brother that she spent once a year in Montecassino in Lazio a whole day in the praises of God and in sacred conversation.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Scholastica, venerated in Christian tradition as the twin sister of Saint Benedict of Norcia, embodies a spiritual mission deeply intertwined with the values of monasticism and the contemplative life. Her story, although less documented than that of her brother, shines for its dedication to prayer, community life and the pursuit of holiness through stillness and asceticism. St. Scholastica’s mission extends beyond her own spiritual life, profoundly influencing the development of female monasticism in Western Christianity. Through her example and her guidance, she demonstrated that the search for God and dedication to monastic life were not exclusively male prerogatives, but paths open to all Christians, regardless of gender, eager to deepen their relationship with the divine. The best-known story about Saint Scholastica, her last meeting with Saint Benedict, where her prayer to prolong the fraternal visit is answered with a sudden storm, symbolizes the power of prayer and the depth of the spiritual bond that can overcome even the stricter monastic rules. This story highlights her understanding of God’s mercy and love as a reality superior to any other norm, underlining the importance of her personal and loving relationship with God in the Christian mission. Saint Scholastica teaches us that mission in Christianity is not only active and external, but can also be contemplative and internal. Her life demonstrates that dedication to prayer, silence and common life in a community of faith are fundamental aspects of Christian testimony, offering the world an example of peace, reflection and holiness. The mission of Saint Scholastica reminds us that the path towards God and holiness can take many forms and that the contemplative life is a powerful and fruitful way to deeply live the Gospel. Her legacy continues to inspire those who seek God in silence and prayer, showing that true closeness to Him arises from her heart and is nourished in the stillness of the soul.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Scholastica, through her life and example, offers a unique and profound vision of mercy in the context of Christian spirituality. Her existence, although spent far from the turmoil of the outside world, was a living reflection of divine mercy, expressed through prayer, silence and a deep communion with God. St. Scholastica’s mercy was manifested silently but powerfully in her dedication to monastic life and in her ability to intercede with God. The most famous story of her life, the meeting with her brother Saint Benedict shortly before his death, where a divine storm allows her to spend more time with him, illustrates her profound understanding of mercy as an expression of God’s love. In this episode, Scholastica’s prayer, moved by brotherly love and a desire for spiritual communion, becomes a means through which mercy manifests itself, overcoming the barriers imposed by the rules monastic and by time. This story also highlights mercy as a central element in the relationship between God and humanity. Saint Scholastica, with her prayer, shows that the human heart can influence the course of events through its relationship with the divine, revealing a vision of God as loving and receptive to the supplications of her children. Furthermore, the life of Saint Scholastica is a reminder that mercy is not only an external action of helping others, but also an internal attitude of openness, acceptance and profound understanding towards others. Her monastic existence, focused on prayer and contemplation, was a channel through which mercy could flow, enriching her spiritual life and that of her community. Saint Scholastica teaches us that mercy is fundamental in the pursuit of a life of holiness. Her example encourages us to seek God with a pure heart and to live our faith so that mercy becomes the foundation of our relationships with others and with creation. Her legacy is an invitation to reflect on how we can embody mercy in our daily lives, following in the footsteps of this saint who found in silence and prayer the path to get closer to God and others with love and compassion.


She is the sister of the great Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine Order and Western monasticism. From her youth she consecrated herself to the Lord with the vow of virginity, and later, when her brother had already founded the abbey of Montecassino, she had a monastery built on the slopes of that mountain for herself and for those who had it. wanted to follow. In fact, many of her young women joined her, forming a religious community of that house, of which she was abbess. Her brother determined her rules, and…


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