Saint of the Day for 1 March: St. Albin of Angers

St. Albin of Angers: Bishop, Defender of the Poor and Patron of Social Justice


St. Albin of Angers




c. 470, Vannes, France


March 10, 550, Angers, France


1 March


2004 edition



O God,
who give us the joy of celebrating
the glorious memory of holy Bishop Albinus of Angers,
look upon your Church that he led by word and example,
and let it experience the power of his intercession.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who is God, and lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.


Patron of



poor, prisoners

Roman Martyrology

At Angers in Gaul Lugdunense, now in France, St. Albinus, bishop, who strongly blamed the haughty customs of the powerful and earnestly promoted the Third Council of Orleans for the renewal of the Church.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Albinus of Angers, bishop of Anjou in the 6th century, is an emblematic figure who demonstrates how the Christian mission extends far beyond the preaching of the Gospel, embracing concrete actions on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalized. His life is a vivid example of how service to others is intrinsically connected to faith and how the ministry of a bishop can profoundly influence both the ecclesial community and society as a whole. The core of Saint Albinus’ mission was his unwavering commitment to social justice and the defense of the poor. In an era in which social disparities were marked and the weak were often ignored or exploited, Albino stood out for his dedication to elevating the condition of the less fortunate, seeing this not only as a moral duty but as an essential manifestation of the Gospel in action. His ability to see Christ in the poor and defenseless and act accordingly is a powerful testimony of faith put into practice. As bishop, Saint Albinus not only managed the spiritual affairs of his diocese, but also took an active role in promoting peace and justice in his territory. His influence reached beyond the church to the spheres of political and social power, where he worked to protect the rights of citizens and to promote laws and practices that reflected Christian principles of fairness and compassion. This holistic approach to his ministry emphasizes how the Christian mission must permeate all aspects of human life, seeking to transform society according to the values of the Kingdom of God. The life of Saint Albinus also reminds us that the Christian mission requires courage and determination . Addressing social injustices and defending the vulnerable against oppression and exploitation can lead to conflicts with civil authorities or vested interests. However, Albino demonstrated that with faith in God and belief in one’s actions, it is possible to overcome resistance and make significant changes in people’s lives. Saint Albinus of Angers embodies the Christian mission lived through social justice, the defense of the poor and the commitment to peace. His life is an invitation to recognize that service to God is also realized in service to others, especially to those who are on the margins of society. He teaches us that being disciples of Christ means working for a more just and merciful society, where the dignity of every person is respected and valued.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Albinus of Angers, bishop of Anjou in the 6th century, is a luminous testimony of how mercy can be lived and manifested through the life and ministry of an ecclesiastical leader. His dedication to the cause of the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized reflects a deep understanding and commitment to mercy as the beating heart of the Gospel. His action, imbued with compassion and love, demonstrates the transformative power of mercy when exercised with courage and determination. Saint Albino’s mission was characterized by a holistic approach to pastoral care, which went beyond simple spiritual assistance to also embrace the material and social well-being of his faithful. He recognized that authentic mercy requires addressing the roots of injustice and actively working to improve people’s living conditions. This approach shows how mercy, for Saint Albino, was an active and dynamic principle, which pushed him to engage personally in the fight against poverty and exclusion. Through his life example, Saint Albino teaches us that mercy is not just a feeling of compassion or pity, but a concrete commitment to act to alleviate the suffering of others. His ability to see the face of Christ in the most vulnerable and to respond to their needs with concrete actions is a powerful reminder of the responsibility of every Christian to be an instrument of mercy in the world. Furthermore, the mercy of Saint Albinus was not limited to the borders of his diocese. He also exercised his influence on civil and political authorities, demonstrating that mercy can and must also permeate social and political structures. His life is an example of how the principles of the Gospel can guide social and political action towards greater justice and equality. Saint Albinus of Angers embodies the Christian vocation to live mercy in an integral way, as an expression of God’s love for humanity. His life invites us to recognize that every act of mercy, whether small or large, contributes to the building of the Kingdom of God. It reminds us that we are all called to be merciful as the heavenly Father is merciful, transforming our understanding of mercy into actions that reflect God’s love, justice and compassion in the world.


Bishop, saint who lived between the fifth and sixth centuries. Born into a noble family, Albinus became a monk at Tincillac, probably located in the diocese of Angers, since in 529 he was elected by popular designation bishop of the city. He participated in the councils of Orlèans in 538 and 541, which organized the Church of Gaul. He fought vigorously despite death threats, against incestuous marriages frequent in large families. Ill and…


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