Saint of the Day for 09 November: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity: A Life of Prayer as a Spiritual Mission
Élisabeth Catez
July 18, 1880, Bourges, France
November 09, 1906, Dijon, France
09 November
2004 edition
Nov. 25, 1984, Rome, Pope John Paul II
Oct. 16, 2016, Rome, Pope Francis
Roman Martyrology
In Dijon, France, St. Elizabeth of the Most Holy Trinity Catez, a virgin of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, who from childhood sought and contemplated in the depths of her heart the mystery of the Trinity and, while still young, amid much tribulation, came, as she had wished, to love, light and life.
The Saint and Mission
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity represents a unique exemplification of how Christian mission can be lived through the contemplative life. Her mission was not so much through external activities, but rather through deepening her relationship with God and witnessing to this relationship in her monastic environment. Elizabeth sensed that her “being with God” had an impact that went far beyond the walls of her Carmel.
In Elizabeth, mission becomes an inner pilgrimage, a constant discovery of God’s presence in the soul, a journey that enlightens and transforms. For her, the missionary task took the form of being a living reflection of Trinitarian love, of giving voice to the silent prayer that unites heaven and earth. Her teaching, music and words were means through which she communicated the richness of her spiritual experience, inviting others to enter into the deep communion with God that she had discovered.
This vision transfigured the traditional understanding of mission: instead of going out to teach, Elizabeth brought others in, on her journey toward union with divine Love. Her mission was intrinsically linked to listening, welcoming and sharing her intimate experience of the Trinity, offering a model of how prayer life can have missionary resonance.
The life of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity remains a testimony to the power of prayer as a missionary force. Her existence suggests that there is a mission deeply rooted in the call to be wholly present to God, for it is in that presence that one discovers the sources from which actions of profound universal impact and significance can flow. His is a mission that is realized in the depths of silence, where words give way to love, and love becomes the most eloquent of proclamations.
The Saint and Mercy
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity is a figure who embodies the intimate experience of divine mercy, combining the depth of contemplation with the impulse to live and transmit this central aspect of Christianity. Her monastic life was never divorced from a deep sense of empathy and participation in the suffering of others, but rather was a continuous outpouring of God’s compassion through prayer and sacrifice.
Elizabeth conceived of the soul as a “sanctuary” where the Trinity is manifested and where the very essence of divine mercy is revealed. For her, living in God’s merciful love was the highest vocation, a call to which all are invited to respond. Her spirituality was infused with this awareness, which was reflected in her loving and understanding approach to her sisters and all those who asked her for help and advice.
In Elizabeth, mercy was not an isolated practice but a state of being, a continual presence that expressed itself in the tenderness of her words and in the silent dedication to small daily things, recognizing in them the opportunity to serve Christ in her brothers and sisters. She was a testimony to the fact that mercy can also spring from the heart of those who choose seclusion, reaching outward in unexpected ways through the power of prayer and offering.
St. Elizabeth shows how mercy can become a transformative presence in the prayer life, a pathway that leads directly to the heart of God. In her we see how divine mercy can inform every aspect of life, not only in external works of charity, but also in the deep inner work of union with Trinitarian love. Her life and scriptures continue to be a source of inspiration to seek and reflect God’s mercy with a commitment that transcends the boundaries of the visible, showing that the heart that opens to God’s mercy becomes in turn a channel through which this mercy can flow into the world.
Elizabeth Catez was born in the military camp of Avor, near Bourges, on July 18, 1880; the family lived for a time in Auxonne, then moved to Dijon, where, on October 2, 1887, her father died. Elisabeth was a lively, impetuous, thoughtful and difficult child (her sister Marguerite described her at one point as a “little devil”), but her first communion, received on April 19, 1891, although it did not change her character, caused a profound change in her, later reinforced by the sacrament of confirmation, on June 18 of the same year. Though so young, she began to perceive a vocation for silence and…