Saint of the Day for 08 September: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary, the Mother of God, born to fulfil the mission of mercy


Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Birth of the Blessed Virgin


08 September


2004 edition


Most singular Virgin who, being born to this life, proclaim peace to the afflicted mortals, obtain true peace to our hearts, to the Church, and to the whole world. Hail. Virgin unconquerable, who from your birth began to destroy the reign of the devil, implore us also to destroy his works in us and to resist him always with living faith, so that Jesus Christ may reign in us and with us. Hail. Immaculate Virgin, who was born and lived always purer than the Heavens and the Angels, grant that we too may from now on always lead a life wholly unblemished and proper to the Christian. Hail.

Patron Saint of

Vicenza, Bra, Terlizzi, Niscemi, Montecchio Maggiore, Meda, Mondovì, Pergine Valsugana, Monserrato, Cordenons

Roman Martyrology

Nativity of the Blessed Ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God


The Saint and Mission

The celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorated every 8 September, is an invitation to reflect not only on Mary’s central importance in salvation history, but also on the profound significance of the ‘mission’ that is intrinsically linked to her birth.

From this sacred moment begins a mission of immeasurable significance: that of being the mother of the Saviour, the one who would bring light to a world plunged into darkness. Mary, from her nativity, is predestined for a unique mission, one that will see her complete readiness to become the channel through which God will intervene in human history.

In Mary, we see the culmination of human readiness to respond to God’s call. Her life is a path of unreserved fidelity, a living testimony of how dedication to God’s will can lead to a deeper love and understanding of divine purpose.

Mary’s mission, which begins with her birth and culminates in the Annunciation, thus becomes a beacon of hope and an example for all those who seek to live a life dedicated to the service of God and others. Her role is not only that of mother, but also that of first disciple, the one who hears the word of God and puts it into practice with a pure and unconditional heart.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary reminds us, then, that mission is not just an action, but a being. To be bearers of the divine light, to be witnesses of God’s love, to be instruments of his grace in the world.

For today’s faithful, the celebration of Mary’s nativity is a time for personal and communal reflection on one’s missionary journey. It is a time to reaffirm one’s commitment to respond generously and courageously to God’s call, imitating the example of Mary in her unconditional availability.

In this context, Christians are called to meditate on how they can incarnate the mission of bringing the Gospel to their daily context, inspired by Mary’s mission, a mission rooted in attentive listening to the Word of God and loving service to their neighbour, in a continuous search for justice, peace and reconciliation.

The Saint and Mercy

The feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a time when the Catholic Church reflects on the depth of divine mercy. It is celebrated on 8 September and emphasises the birth of Mary, mother of Jesus, offering the faithful the opportunity to contemplate the grace and mercy that reverberate through her life and selfless service.

Mercy is most prominently manifested at the moment of Mary’s nativity, an event that marks the beginning of the fulfilment of the divine promise of redemption and salvation for humanity. It is through her willingness to be the vessel through which God chooses to become incarnate that we can begin to understand the scope of divine mercy, an offer that goes beyond human comprehension and embraces each individual with immeasurable love and compassion.

In the context of this celebration, mercy is seen as a divine attribute that is expressed through acceptance, acceptance and forgiveness. Mary, from her birth, becomes the symbol of the unconditional acceptance of God’s grace, a person who welcomes divine mercy with open arms, later bringing the Saviour, Jesus Christ, into the world.

By celebrating her, we can learn from Mary’s life the importance of living in a state of openness and reception to God’s mercy, allowing ourselves to be transformed and to transform the lives of others through acts of kindness, understanding and love.

The nativity of Mary therefore invites us to reflect on our role in receiving and distributing mercy in the world, emphasising the importance of a life lived in harmony with the values of compassion, empathy and selflessness. It is a time to remind ourselves that mercy is not only a gift received, but also a call to act with kindness and goodness towards others, illuminating the world with the light of love and divine grace.


Mary’s fortunate parents were St. Joachim and St. Anne.

The birth of the Blessed Virgin was foretold from the beginning when the Lord promised fallen humanity another woman who would crush the head of the serpent. And when the fullness of time had come, Mary appeared as a morning star in the stormy sea of the world, pure, holy, full of grace.

Mary was born holy, for she was conceived without original blemish and full of all grace. The grace that the Blessed Virgin had surpassed the grace not only of…


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