Saint of the Day for 08 November: St. Gottfried of Amiens

St. Gottfried of Amiens: Benedictine monk and bishop


St. Gottfried of Amiens




1066, Moulincourt, France


November 08, 1115, Soissons, France


08 November


2004 edition


Turn away from us, O Lord, all evil of soul and body through the intercession of St. Goffredo, so that, far from the snares of the Evil One, in serenity and peace, we may always joyfully praise your name and your almighty Father love. Amen.

Roman Martyrology

At Soissons in France, deposition of St. Gottfried, bishop of Amiens, who, trained for a five-year period in monastic life, suffered much in recomposing disagreements between the lords and the inhabitants of the city and reforming the customs of the clergy and people.


The Saint and Mission

St. Geoffrey of Amiens is a figure who shines in Church history for his unparalleled missionary ardor. His life is a narrative of absolute dedication to the Gospel call, an unconditional witness to the Gospel that enabled him to touch and transform countless lives in the course of his pastoral mission.

In the heart of 12th-century France, St. Gottfried took the reins of the diocese of Amiens with a clear vision and a firm intent to carry the Christian message not only in words but also in deeds. His existence was marked by an unceasing missionary impulse, which saw him actively involved in the daily fabric of the people, seeking to be a tangible reflection of divine goodness among his faithful.

His mission was distinguished by his concern for the marginalized and his courage to confront social injustices, elements that highlighted his commitment to a Church that was not only a spiritual beacon but also an active agent of change. In this way, St. Goffredo embodied the conviction that the proclamation of the Gospel should first and foremost come through imitating the example of Christ, serving others with humility and love.

His pastoral approach was imbued with genuine compassion and an aspiration to live by Gospel principles, not only preaching them but making them manifest through daily action. St. Goffredo’s mission, therefore, was interwoven with the fabric of ordinary lives, emphasizing that every interaction is a potential seed of faith, every gesture of kindness a possible open door to hope, every word of comfort a seed of conversion.

As a pastor, St. Goffredo was distinguished by his willingness to descend into the daily reality of his parishioners, entering their homes and hearts with a presence that was as real as it was spiritual. He was convinced that the heart of his ministry lay in touching souls directly, guiding them toward a deep reconciliation with God.

St. Gottfried of Amiens’ mission was not measured in terms of conversions or earthly successes, but rather in his ability to instill in hearts the light of a lived faith, which continues to shine as a beacon of inspiration for all who seek to live out their missionary vocation in today’s world.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Geoffrey of Amiens is a silent but powerful emblem of Christian mercy, whose life example speaks to the heart of humanity in the universal language of compassion. In his role as bishop, he embodied that profound divine mercy that is at the root of the Gospel message, witnessing how goodness and understanding can transform and renew communities.

Goffredo’s episcopate was marked by acts of generosity and understanding that demonstrated his deep empathy for the suffering of others. He did not just preach forgiveness and acceptance; he lived them every day, reflecting the very heart of the Gospel that calls to “be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

In his every action one could see a natural inclination to put himself at the service of others, to console the afflicted and to assist the needy. His spiritual leadership was not imposing but inviting, not condemning but liberating, inviting all to recognize and accept the gift of forgiveness that flows from God’s mercy.

St. Gottfried’s connection with mercy was manifested in his dedication to the marginalized and his tireless pursuit of justice for the poor and oppressed. He not only opened the door of the Church to all, but went out into the streets, entering people’s homes and lives, bringing with him not only material aid but also comfort and hope.

His ministry was a continuous demonstration of the renewing power of mercy that, like a river, digs new paths of peace and reconciliation in the often barren soil of human indifference. St. Goffredo’s mercy was not just an isolated act but a way of being, a commitment for every moment of the day, an invitation to see in every person the face of the suffering Christ who calls to love and service.

In the memory of St. Gottfried of Amiens, mercy is celebrated not so much as an abstract doctrine but as concrete action, as the heartbeat of the Gospel that continues to pulsate in the actions of those who choose to walk in his footsteps. His life is a constant reminder of the exercise of mercy as the foundation of Christian life, an invitation to make it a hallmark of every believer’s existence.


St. Gottfred, Bishop of Amiens, was almost a contemporary of Gottfred of Bouillon, ” Advocate of the Holy Sepulcher.” At the time of the Crusade, he was a youth. Born to wealthy and devout parents, he had entered the Abbey of Mount St. Quentin. He acquired a deep spiritual preparation there, and soon the very young monk distinguished himself as an example of an austerity quite rare for those times.

He was a devotee of the two shoemaker saints Crispin and Crispinian. Whenever he could, on October 25, their feast day, he went to Soissons, to the monastery named after them. Those monks celebrated the occasion by eating and…


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