Saint of the Day for 04 November: St. Charles Borromeo

St. Charles Borromeo: the cardinal who reformed the Church


Carlo Borromeo




October 02, 1538, Arona, Novara


November 03, 1584, Milan


04 November


2004 edition


Nov. 01, 1610, Rome, Pope Paul V


O Lord, who through the Sacred Ministers govern souls spread your doctrine, dispense your Sacraments, look with predilection upon the Church of our Diocese and give her a host of holy and sanctifying Priests. We beseech you through the intercession of St. Charles. Make our seminaries flourish with pious and studious young men. Stir up in the faithful senses of love and zeal for the Work of Vocations. On those who cooperate in the good of the Seminaries and the Clergy spread abundant heavenly blessings.

Patron saint of

Lombardia, Peschiera Borromeo, Rovato, Rocca di Papa, Casalmaggiore, Portomaggiore, Salò, Nizza Monferrato, Fiesso d’Artico, Marcallo con Casone

Protector of

Catechists, spiritual directors, stomach patients, apple trees, seminarians, bishops

Roman Martyrology

Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, bishop, who, made cardinal by his uncle Pope Pius IV and elected bishop of Milan, was in this see a true pastor attentive to the needs of the Church of his time: he called synods and established seminaries to provide for the training of the clergy, visited all his flock several times to encourage the growth of Christian life, and issued many decrees in order to the salvation of souls. He passed to the heavenly homeland the day before this one.


The Saint and Mission

St. Charles Borromeo embodies a figure of mission and renewal in the Catholic Church, especially during the crucial period of the Counter-Reformation. His life is a testimony to how absolute dedication to the demands of the Gospel and tireless commitment can transform not only individual hearts but entire ecclesiastical structures.

Cardinal Borromeo, aware of the ills that plagued the Church of his time, worked with apostolic fervor to promote the internal reform necessary to meet the challenges of the Protestant Reformation. His mission was characterized by a deep conviction that all renewal should begin with a personal return to holiness and discipline, and then extend to the ecclesiastical community through the reform of the clergy and the catechesis of the people.

In pursuing this mission, St. Charles did not avoid introducing profound reforms, often at the cost of enormous resistance. He boldly addressed the need for an educated and spiritually formed clergy, founding seminaries to ensure proper training for priests. In addition, his focus on the religious education of the laity prompted him to promote the publication of catechisms and to organize pastoral visits to meet and get to know his flock directly.

Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of St. Charles Borromeo’s mission was his insistence on pastoral care as an act of service. Beyond the administration of the sacraments, he saw the priesthood as a vocation of humble service and closeness to the faithful, especially the most needy and marginalized. This vision led him to visit the poorest and most inaccessible regions of his archdiocese, to touch the realities of hardship and to respond with concrete actions, as when he organized aid during the plague that struck Milan in 1576.

St. Charles’ contribution to the mission of the Church goes beyond his structural reforms; it is reflected in his personal example of virtuous living, his apostolic zeal and his unwavering trust in God. His legacy lives on in the memory of a bishop who was both a rigorous reformer and a compassionate shepherd of souls, a man who knew how to combine the firmness of the prince of the Church with the tenderness of the servant of God’s servants. His life remains a model for those called to live their mission today in a world that demands a renewed and credible proclamation of the Gospel.

The Saint and Mercy

The figure of St. Charles Borromeo stands out with great force in the panorama of Church history as a man whose existence was an unceasing act of mercy. His life offers a splendid example of how high ecclesiastical position and reforming action can be lived not in a spirit of domination but from a perspective of compassionate service to one’s neighbor.

Borromeo, archbishop of Milan at a time marked by spiritual and material turmoil, made mercy the pivot around which his every pastoral action revolved. His concern for the spiritual and temporal needs of his faithful was manifested in a series of initiatives that reflected his deep sense of Christian charity. He did not merely exercise mercy in an abstract way, but embodied it in his daily choices, visiting the sick and dying, even during the terrible plague that struck Milan, demonstrating a courage and selfless love that inspired and sustained his people.

The reform that St. Charles pursued was not an end in itself, but was motivated by a genuine desire for moral and spiritual renewal. His battle against abuses and corruption was not nourished by a quest for power or pure discipline, but by a desire to bring the Church back to the essence of the Gospel, where mercy is the first witness to the truth of the faith. In this sense, his work of reform can be seen as an act of mercy toward the Church itself, urged to rediscover the beauty of its original mission.

St. Charles Borromeo’s mercy was also intertwined with justice. He advocated a balance between the need to maintain order and respect for human dignity, showing special concern for the poor and marginalized, who were often forgotten or neglected by the society of the time. His commitment to proper training for priests stemmed from the conviction that a sanctified and aware clergy could be instruments of greater mercy for God’s people.

Borromean mercy was thus a bridge between heaven and earth: on the one hand, it was the expression of God’s loving face toward humanity; on the other, it represented the human response to the divine command to love one’s neighbor. This aspect of his spirituality remains highly relevant today, because it posits mercy as the key to interpreting and living out ecclesiastical ministry in every time and place, making it a valuable guide even for the contemporary world, which is in desperate need of authentic witnesses of such virtue.


S. Charles, shining glory of the Church, was born in Arona on Lake Maggiore on Oct. 2, 1538, to Count Gilberto Borromeo and Margherita de’ Medici.

After his early studies, he was sent to the University of Pavia for law; here news reached him that one of his maternal uncles, Cardinal de’ Medici, had been made pope with the name Pius W. We must admit that he yielded somewhat to the worldly customs of his century; but the death of his brother Federico showed him the vanity of human things, and he docile to the voice of God completely reformed himself and…


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