Saint of the Day for 04 August: St John Mary Vianney

The Holy Curé d’Ars, a Model of Pastoral Dedication and Spiritual Leader


Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney




08 May 1786, Dardilly, France


04 August 1859, Ars-sur-Formans, France


04 August


2004 edition


08 January 1905, Rome, Pope Pius XI


31 May 1925, Rome, Pope Pius XI


O almighty and merciful God, who in St John Mary Vianney, you have given us an admirable pastor, fully consecrated to the service of your people, through his intercession and example, grant that we may dedicate our lives to win our brothers and sisters to Christ and enjoy together with them endless joy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God and lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Protector of

Pastors, priests

Roman Martyrology

Memory of Saint John Mary Vianney, priest, who for over forty years admirably led the parish entrusted to him in the village of Ars near Belley in France, with assiduous preaching, prayer and a life of penance. Every day in the catechesis he imparted to children and adults, in the reconciliation he administered to penitents, and in the works pervaded by that ardent charity, which he drew from the Holy Eucharist as from a fountain, he advanced to such an extent that he spread his advice everywhere and wisely brought many closer to God.


The Saint and Mission

St John Mary Vianney, known as the Curé d’Ars, is an exemplary model of pastoral mission within the Catholic Church. His life and work as a parish priest in a small rural parish in Ars, France, is a living testimony of how faithfulness to mission can transform a community.

When he took over as curate, he found a spiritually neglected community. Through patient teaching, tireless prayer and a deep love for souls, he succeeded in reviving the faith in his parish. His simple yet profound homilies touched the hearts of many, and his dedication to the sacrament of Confession became legendary.

St John Mary Vianney did not seek fame or worldly success; his mission was to lead souls to Christ. He dedicated himself totally to this purpose, living a life of extreme poverty and personal sacrifice. His willingness to serve his parishioners at all times of the day and night became a symbol of his total dedication to the pastoral mission.

St. John Mary Vianney’s mission was not limited to his parish; he became a sought-after confessor and spiritual guide throughout France, attracting thousands of people seeking advice and spiritual direction.

In summary, the life and ministry of the Curé d’Ars is a shining expression of what it means to live a Christ-centred mission. His love for God and his people, his humility, his dedication to prayer and the sacraments, and his burning zeal for souls are a rich example for all those called to serve in the vineyard of the Lord. His legacy continues to inspire priests and lay people alike, reminding them of the importance of fidelity, love and dedication in the Christian mission.

The Saint and Mercy

St John Mary Vianney’s love for Confession is particularly well known. He spent many hours a day patiently and compassionately listening to penitents, demonstrating an extraordinary mercy that reflected God’s unconditional love. His ability to understand, forgive and guide souls made him a beloved and respected figure not only in his parish but far beyond.

St John Mary Vianney was known for his humility and simplicity, and his life was a constant example of selfless service. His unceasing prayer and love for the poor showed a deep awareness of divine mercy, and his life was a living witness to this truth.

In short, the life and ministry of St John Mary Vianney is a rich example of mercy incarnate. His dedication to the sacrament of Confession, his love for the poor and his humility are a perpetual reminder to the Church of the need to live mercy in every aspect of Christian life. His example continues to illuminate the path of believers, inviting them to reflect and act with a merciful heart, just as he did.


Dardilly, a small village in the diocese of Lyon, was the birthplace of the holy Curé. His family devoted themselves to agricultural work, and John himself, when he was seven years old, had to help his older brother in the fields. But love of God and neighbour reigned in that good home.

How much piety our little Vianney had, in his early years, and what devotion to the Virgin! He would say this later, when he was a priest and …


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