Saint of the Day for 02 September: St. Elpidio

Saint Elpidio: the Christian martyr who inspired the city of Porto Sant’Elpidio


St. Elpidio




4th century, Cappadocia


4th century, Picenum


02 September


2004 edition


O glorious Saint Elpidius we honour us with your august name, how much we must blush to see ourselves so far from imitating your holy life. Yes, O dear Saint, who was a splendid example of all virtues, obtain for us from the Lord the grace to be truly your faithful disciples and to lead a life similar to yours, sincerely Christian. May a living and practical faith shine in us, may our hearts be inflamed with great love of God and generosity towards our neighbour. May the most beautiful virtues flourish among our little ones, among our youth and among all workers. Even if we are unworthy, continue upon us all your protection, so that we may one day be partakers with you of the same glory in holy Paradise. Amen.

Patron Saint of

Sant’Elpidio a Mare, Casapulla

Roman Martyrology

In the Marche region, St Elpidio, whose name was later given to the town where his body is preserved.


The Saint and Mission

The life of Saint Elpidius serves as a powerful example of how the mission to serve others is as much an act of devotion as it is an expression of the deepest humanity. Although historical sources may be limited for some saints like St. Elpidius, the message that can be extrapolated from his life is universal: the mission to serve is a concrete manifestation of the divinity in each of us.

St. Elpidius did not pursue a mission in the modern sense of the term, orchestrating grand campaigns or initiatives. However, his life was a mission in itself. Every act of kindness, every moment of consolation, every word of wisdom imparted was part of a larger mission to show divine love in the earthly world.

Her service to those most in need and her dedication to the community reflect a mission that goes beyond simply ‘doing good’. It is an invitation to live in a way that reflects the highest values of humanity: compassion, love and, above all, mercy. His was a mission to ‘be good’, and in doing so, he left an impact that goes far beyond individual actions.

In a world that often seems to lose sight of the importance of selflessness and community service, the life and example of St. Elpidius is both a humbling and powerful reminder of what it means to live a life of purpose. It teaches us that our ‘mission’ is not something we choose to do only when it is convenient, but rather a life path we choose to walk every day, in the big and the small.

St. Elpidius reminds us that the ‘mission’ is not just a job to be done, but a way of being in the world, a way that transforms both those who serve and those who are served. In this, his life is a testament to the power of mission lived as a daily expression of mercy and love.

The Saint and Mercy

The figure of Saint Elpidius provides an illuminating example of how mercy can be integrated into daily life as a personal mission. Although historical information on Saint Elpidius is limited, what we do know suggests an individual deeply committed to serving others, especially those most in need.

St. Elpidius represents an embodiment of the Christian concept of mercy, which is not only limited to feelings of compassion, but which translates into concrete actions. For him, mercy is not just an attitude, but a practical guide for life, an ethical imperative that guides all his choices and interactions.

It is interesting to note that mercy, in the context of a life such as Saint Elpidius’, is not an abstract concept or an occasional obligation, but rather a way of life. It permeates every aspect of his being, from his spirituality to his interaction with the community, demonstrating that mercy is as much a personal quality as it is a social act.

In an age like ours, where individualism and selfishness often take over, the life and example of Saint Elpidius serves as a reminder of the transformative power of mercy. It reminds us that true greatness lies in humility and service, and that extending one’s hand in an act of mercy is not only a duty, but also a source of deep personal joy and satisfaction.

Ultimately, the life of Saint Elpidius teaches us that mercy is not an exception, but a rule; not an isolated act, but a vocation. It is a model from which we can all learn, regardless of our faith or cultural background.


He lived in the 4th century probably in Picenum. News about him is very confused: Peter of Natalibusa narrates that he was a hermit from Jericho and later arrived in Italy where he is said to have died, other sources believe him to be a native of Cappadocia, others still identify him as a deacon of St Basil, mentioned in the life of St Carthage.

A life of Saint Elpidius has also been compiled around the 12th century, and…


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