Saint of the Day for 02 November: Commemoration of all the faithful departed

Commemoration of all the faithful departed: a day to remember our loved ones


Commemoration of all the faithful departed


Day of the Dead


02 November


2004 edition


We pray to you, Lord, for all the relatives, friends, acquaintances who have left us over the years. For those who, in life, had faith in you, who placed all hope in you, who loved you, but also for those who understood nothing of you and sought you out in the wrong way, and to whom you finally revealed yourself as you truly are: mercy and love without limits. Grant, O Lord, that we may one day all come together to celebrate with you in Paradise. Amen.

Roman Martyrology

Commemoration of all the faithful departed, in which holy Mother Church, already solicitous in celebrating with due praise all her children who rejoice in heaven, takes care to intercede with God for the souls of all those who have gone before us in the sign of faith and have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, and for all those of whom from the beginning of the world, only God has known faith, so that purified from every stain of sin, having entered into the communion of heavenly life, they may enjoy the vision of eternal beatitude.


The Saint and Mission

The Commemoration of all the faithful departed, also known as the Day of the Dead, is a day that carries deep spiritual and missionary significance, offering an opportunity to reflect on eternal life and our responsibility to pursue a life of authentic faith.

This commemoration invites us to look beyond earthly life, recognising that our existence is a pilgrimage to eternity. Every life, with its joys and sufferings, is a journey towards ultimate fulfilment in God’s love. In this sense, our mission becomes a concrete response to divine love, a commitment to live our faith authentically, bringing the light of the Gospel to every area of our lives.

Remembering the dead also means recognising that our mission does not end with the end of our earthly life. Our faith teaches us that we are bound by a deep bond of communion with those who have gone before us, and that our prayers can accompany their souls on their journey to the fullness of life in God. This aspect of our faith underlines the importance of spiritual solidarity and mutual support in the community of believers.

The Commemoration of the Dead also prompts us to reflect on the fragility and brevity of life, prompting us to live each day with intensity and not to miss opportunities to do good. Awareness of death illuminates the inestimable value of the present time, spurring us not to postpone important decisions and to commit ourselves concretely to building the Kingdom of God.

On this day of prayer and reflection, we are called to renew our missionary commitment, becoming aware that the mission is not just an external task, but first and foremost a call to live our relationship with God in depth. Only those who allow themselves to be transformed by God’s love can become credible witnesses of the Gospel and bearers of hope in a world marked by suffering and death.

Finally, the Commemoration of the Dead reminds us that our life is a precious gift and that we are called to make it fruitful through gestures of love, justice and solidarity. Our mission, lived in this perspective, becomes a path to holiness, a journey of personal and community transformation that leads us, step by step, to the fullness of life in God.

The Saint and Mercy

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Dead, also known as the Day of the Dead, is a time deeply rooted in Christian tradition, dedicated to remembering and praying for those who have gone before us in faith and now sleep the sleep of peace. This day invites us to reflect on God’s infinite mercy and the hope born of faith in the resurrection.

Divine mercy is manifested in a special way in the way the Church, through prayer and the Eucharistic sacrifice, becomes close to those who have passed on to a life beyond death. The Christian faith teaches us that death is not the end, but the passage to the fullness of life in God. In this context, mercy is expressed through remembrance, prayer and the offering of suffrages for the eternal repose of the souls of the departed.

The Commemoration of all the faithful departed thus becomes an opportunity to meditate on the ultimate reality of human life and on the mercy of God who abandons no one, but welcomes all in his infinite love. It is a time to renew our trust in the Christian promise of the resurrection and in God’s merciful love that overcomes all sin and death.

This day also invites us to live with greater awareness and gratitude the time we are given, recognising that each moment is a gift from God and an opportunity to grow in love and service to others. The memory of our deceased loved ones becomes a reminder to live according to Gospel values, so that we too, at the end of our earthly journey, may be welcomed into the Father’s house.

The Commemoration of all the faithful departed is an invitation to look to the future with hope, trusting in God’s mercy and the intercession of the saints, so that we too may one day attain eternal bliss and enjoy full communion with God and all the faithful departed.


The anniversary of this day was established to suffrage the souls of the just who are still in purgatory.

Very ancient is the Church’s custom of praying for the dead, that they may be freed from their pains.

Tertullian says it is of apostolic origin and writes: “We make the anniversary of the dead every year, according to the traditions of our ancestors”. Gregory Nazianzen, on the occasion of the death of his brother St Caesar, promises to send him suffrages every year. St Augustine says: “Who can doubt that the prayers, sacrifices and alms that are made for the dead are not a relief to them? “.

Even though the Holy Church has always inculcated to commemorate the faithful departed, to pray for them and to…


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