Saint of the Day December 25: Christmas of the Lord

Christmas of the Lord: Origins, Meaning and Traditions of the Christian Celebration


Christmas of the Lord


Birth of Jesus


year zero


April 7, 33


25 December



O divine Jesus, who wished to be saved from the slaughter of the innocents by the care of Joseph and Mary, compensating to those tender martyrs the loss of temporal life with the gift of eternal life; sweet Jesus’ friend of the children, please, bless and sanctify us also who consecrate ourselves to your Holy Childhood, to become in imitation of you and under the patronage of Mary and Joseph, the saviors of the poor infidel children. So be it.

Roman Martyrology

In the year five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine since the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created heaven and earth; since the Flood, the year two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven; since the birth of Àbraham, the year two thousand fifteen; since Moses and the exit of the people of Israel from Egypt, the year one thousand five hundred and ten; since the consecration of King David, the year one thousand thirty-two; in the week sixty-fifth, according to the prophecy of Daniéle in Olympiad one hundred and ninety-fourth; in the year seven hundred and fifty-two from the founding of Rome; in the year forty-second of the Empire of Octavian Augustus, the whole world being at peace, in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ, eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, willing to sanctify the world with his most holy coming, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and nine months having passed after his conception, in Bethlehem of Judah was born of Mary the Virgin made man. Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.

The Saint and Mission

The Lord’s Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, is intrinsically linked to Christian mission. This event is not only a commemorative feast, but also a time for deep reflection on the mission Jesus entrusted to his followers. Christ’s coming into the world is at the heart of salvation history, and every Christmas renews the call to live and witness to the Gospel.

Mission in the context of Christmas is first and foremost a mission of incarnation. Just as God became man in Jesus, Christians are called to embody Christ’s love and mercy in their daily lives. Jesus’ birth is a model of humility and service; He was born in a stable, demonstrating that the kingdom of God is not of this world and that true power is found in serving others.

Second, Christmas renews the mission of bringing the light of Christ to the world. Jesus’ birth is often described as a light shining in the darkness, symbolizing the hope and new life He brings. Christians, following Jesus’ example, are called to be bearers of this light, bearing witness to truth, justice and love in a world that often lacks them.

Christmas is also a time when the mission of reconciliation is particularly evident. The coming of Christ represents the culmination of the divine plan to reconcile God with humanity and humans with each other. This aspect of Christian mission invites the faithful to work for peace, forgiveness and reconciliation in their communities and personal relationships.

Finally, Christmas inspires a mission of joy and hope. The good news of Jesus’ birth is cause for great joy, not only because it celebrates the coming of the Savior, but also because it reminds everyone that God is with us, that he loves us unconditionally, and that hope is always possible.

The Lord’s Christmas is a powerful reminder of Christian mission in the world. It is a time to renew our commitment to live according to the example of Jesus, to bring his light and love into the darkness of the world and to work tirelessly for peace, reconciliation and joy. In this sense, every Christmas is a new beginning, an opportunity to live more fully the mission entrusted to us.

The Saint and Mercy

The Lord’s Christmas is a time when divine mercy is manifested in a particularly poignant and profound way. This holiday, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, is a living reminder of God’s ultimate act of love and mercy toward humanity. In the figure of a baby born in a stable, Christians see the face of God’s mercy, who became man to redeem and save the world.

Mercy in the context of Christmas is manifested in God’s decision to enter human history as one of us. This act of humility and closeness is the ultimate demonstration of God’s desire to restore a relationship with humanity that was broken by sin. In the vulnerability of a child, God reveals his power not through force, but through love and compassion.

Christmas is also a time when mercy is expressed through the invitation to reconciliation and peace. The birth of Jesus brings a message of hope and renewal, inviting everyone to leave behind old divisions and grudges and open their hearts to the possibility of a new beginning. Christ’s coming is an opportunity to rediscover the joy of being loved by God and the responsibility to share that love with others.

In addition, Christmas prompts believers to reflect on their actions and to live mercy in concrete ways. It is a time when works of charity and assistance are multiplied, reminding us that Christian love must be translated into acts of generosity and service to those most in need. In this way, the celebration of Christmas becomes an active effort to embody God’s mercy in everyday life.

The Lord’s Christmas is a powerful celebration of divine mercy. It reminds the faithful and the whole world that God is love and that his mercy is limitless. During this festive season, Christians are invited to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation and to live mercy in their lives, following the example of Jesus Christ, the face of the Father’s mercy.


Today the heavens open, the clouds burst open, and Emmanuel, God with us, appears. The Eternal Father promised it, the prophets foretold it, and for four thousand years the righteous sighed for it. Jesus’ coming took place as the Gospel tells us:

“An edict of Caesar Augustus having gone out in those days, ordering a census of the whole empire, the Jews also had to go to their city of origin to give their names. Joseph, being of the royal line of David, went with Mary to Bethlehem, his native town; they were poor, could find no one to take them in, and…


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