Saint of the Day December 20: St. Liberatus

St. Liberatus: History and Meaning of the Martyr Saint and Protector Against the Evil Eye


St. Liberatus


Martyr in Rome


3rd century, Unknown


269-270, Rome


20 December



O God, who in the glorious martyrdom of St. Liberatus you gave us a sign of your loving presence in the Church, grant that we, who trust in his intercession, may imitate him in firmness of faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Patron Saint of

Sant’Albano Stura, San Marco la Catola

Roman Martyrology

Also in Rome on the ancient Via Salaria in the cemetery ad Septem Palumbas, Saint Liberal, martyr, who is said to have once held the office of consul in the world.

The Saint and Mission

St. Liberatus, a figure revered in Christianity for his martyrdom, represents an important aspect of Christian mission: fidelity to the faith in the face of persecution and suffering. Although the specific details of his life may be shrouded in the fog of ancient history, his example of martyrdom offers a powerful message about the nature and meaning of Christian mission.

St. Liberatus’ mission, as well as that of many Christian martyrs, was intrinsically linked to his unconditional commitment to the truth of the Gospel. At a time when Christians were often persecuted for their faith, their decision to remain faithful to Christ, even at the cost of their own lives, was a powerful testimony to their conviction and love for God. St. Liberatus’ martyrdom, therefore, was not only an act of individual resistance, but also an act of witness for the Christian community as a whole.

Through his suffering and sacrifice, St. Liberatus embodied the idea that Christian mission can involve great challenges and even suffering. His example inspires the faithful to consider the cost of discipleship and the value of sacrifice in the name of faith. He shows that Christian mission is not just a matter of spreading the Gospel with words, but also of living one’s faith authentically, even when this entails great personal difficulties.

Moreover, the figure of St. Liberatus reminds Christians today that faithfulness to God and the strength to endure persecution are central to Christian mission. His example offers encouragement and inspiration, especially to those who face oppression, discrimination or persecution because of their faith.

The life and martyrdom of St. Liberatus reminds us that Christian mission is deeply rooted in fidelity to Christ and the courage to witness to the faith in all circumstances. His story continues to inspire the faithful to live with courage and conviction, remembering that true martyrdom is not just a matter of physical death, but also of living a life of constant witness to God’s love and truth.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Liberatus, venerated as a martyr in Christianity, offers a significant interpretation of the concept of mercy through his life and sacrifice. Although specific information about his life may be limited, his figure as a martyr speaks powerfully of mercy in a context of faith and suffering.

St. Liberatus’ martyrdom, like that of many martyred saints, can be seen as a supreme act of mercy. By choosing to remain true to his faith in the face of death rather than deny his convictions to save his life, St. Liberatus exemplifies mercy toward himself by remaining true to his inner truth and faith. This fidelity to the Gospel and his own conscience is itself an act of mercy, as it places spiritual authenticity and integrity above all else.

Moreover, the sacrifice of St. Liberatus represents mercy extended to the Christian community. His martyrdom serves as a powerful example of courage and faithfulness, encouraging other believers to remain steadfast in their faith. In times of persecution and challenge, the memory of martyrs like St. Liberatus offers comfort and inspiration, reminding the faithful of the strength and grace that can flow from faithfulness to God.

The veneration of St. Liberatus over the centuries also shows how his story has become a source of hope and inspiration for Christians. His martyr figure is a reminder of God’s mercy, which is present even in the darkest and most difficult situations. He reminds us that, even in suffering and sacrifice, God is with us, offering comfort and strength.

St. Liberatus, through his martyrdom, teaches us that mercy in Christianity extends beyond compassion and help toward others; it also includes faithfulness to God and the ability to witness to the faith with courage and integrity. His example encourages us to exercise mercy not only in our actions toward others, but also in the way we live out our faith in the face of challenges.


Coming from a list in the Hieronimian Martyrology, the name of St. Liberatus the Martyr, was included, also here on December 20, in the Roman Martyrology composed in the 16th century by the great historian Cardinal Cesare Baronio.

Although in all codices he is referred to as “in the East,” he is instead an authentic martyr of Rome, his name was more properly Liberale, in Latin Liberalis, later mistranslated into Liberatis.

He was certainly buried in the cemetery of Via Salaria Vecchia, where the two martyrs John and Festus also rested; the Itineraries of the seventh century, which reported for faithful pilgrims, the basilicas and…


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