Remember, man, that you are dust

Lent is a time of prayer, silence, listening to the Word. The comments of Fr. Luigi Vizzini, Missionary of Mercy

Beloved, we have entered the Tempo forte of Lent, a sacramental time of conversion.
The crossing begins, hope comes, the landing is approaching, here is the dawn…

The liturgy of Ashes brings everyone back to the truth of life, to essentiality in choices, to determination in fixing our gaze on Jesus, the new man.

Remember, man, that you are dust!

Molded by God’s hands, with the gentleness of the Holy Spirit, to become a son in the Son.
Man–to dust you shall return!
Lower your pride, put aside useless arrogance, be reconciled with yourself, put out the fire of hatred and every divisive thought and act, become the Beauty that you are!

May Lent help us to be light and to bring hope everywhere because we are witnesses
of a New Time knocking at the door of history.

Man of Hope, be strong in tribulations because you are a disciple of the One who makes all things new!
True, we can suffer but not succumb.

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are three challenging gifts, not mere resolutions.
Return to prayerful listening to the Word, stay with Him without looking at the clock; the time He asks you to dedicate to Him is actually dedicated to yourself!

Fast, whatever you want…but fast! Take hold of your life again, empower your lordship, take hold of yourself again, be truly free! Jesus died on the cross for this…

A heart inhabited by God, in the ways of the Gospel, is a heart that looks to its brother with mercy, with tenderness, without judging, ready to share joys and sorrows, victories and failures, ready to smile and carry the cross together, because the cross, every cross, is the bed where God has joined humanity.

On our way to Easter, together with Christ the Shepherd, let us cross the path of Holy Lent with fruitful Hope.

Fr Luigi Vizzini, Missionary of Mercy (Rosolini – Sr)

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