Project “Adopt a nun” of spazio + spadoni | Sister Alice’s graduation

Sister Alice, resident of spazio + spadoni and member of the Bene Mariya Sisters Congregation. The joy of having achieved her goal: a diploma in accounting and auditing

Today Sister Alice is beaming with joy as she clasps her Diploma in Accounting and Auditing in her hands. This long-awaited moment represents years of effort, sacrifice and unwavering faith.

This young Burundian nun, a member of a Congregation born in Burundi, has followed a very challenging course of study, but she has been strengthened by her vocation and driven by a great love for her sisters. Her success goes beyond a personal achievement; it is a gift for the whole Congregation, a concrete sign that formation can become a tool for growth and service, a true Work of Mercy at the service of the most disadvantaged.

A path studded with challenges and hope

Sister Alice has always believed that formation is a form of growth and an opportunity to better serve her people. But the road has not always been easy! Perhaps her childhood was marked by many difficulties and uncertainties, as is the case for many other young people. The decision to consecrate herself to God and join a local congregation was the first step in a journey in which faith and formation were intertwined.

During her years of study, she encountered many challenges. Following a university course while meeting the demands of community life was a daily challenge.

Her days were marked by prayer, to be always in relationship with the Lord. Sister Alice had heard from an early age the words of the Lord, “Without me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:15).

It was from the Word of God that she always drew the strength and courage to devote her whole life to the service of the poorest and most vulnerable. In fact, he always loved to spend long hours in meditation to feed on the Words of Jesus. “In intimate union with Christ Jesus, prayer and action are not separate but form an indivisible whole.

Action constantly receives strength and light from prayer and leads back to prayer” (Constitutions, Article 25). At times she seemed to grow weary, but her trust in God and the support of her sisters gave her the strength to go on and continue the journey.

Sister Alice made her own the key word of St. Ignatius of Loyola’s spirituality: more (Principle and Foundations of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola).

A goal achieved, a joy shared

Now that Sister Alice has finally obtained her degree, the joy is immense. This degree in Accounting and Auditing is not only an academic recognition, but above all a valuable resource, an investment for her entire religious family: the Bene Mariya Congregation.

With the skills he has acquired, he is now able to contribute effectively to the transparent management of the congregation’s projects. In fact, she has just completed studies that are helping to ensure the sustainability of the charitable initiatives of the entire Congregation.

Indeed, her education effectively responds to Bene Mariya’s mission: to actively participate in the integral development of humanity by focusing all her strengths and resources on the development of the world’s families.

The celebration of her success was a time of celebration for all the sisters of the congregation. Together, they prayed and thanked God for this precious gift. Indeed, they are aware that Sister Alice’s formation is a blessing to all. Her joy has become that of the community. In religious life one does nothing for oneself, but always for the sake of others.

From learning to service: mercy in action

Sister Alice’s learning does not stop with herself: she is an instrument of mercy. With her new skills and abilities, she will help her congregation better administer its assets and resources and properly manage projects so that every resource is put to good use for the benefit of those most in need.

“Moreover, we shall keep alive in us this openness of mind and heart to the needs of the poor, here and in the world, as well as to the burning issues and new solutions that shake humanity today” (Const. art. 165).

The spirit of mercy that guides her vocation now translates into a new commitment: to put her knowledge at the service of the poor, ensuring more efficient and transparent management of the resources allocated to the missions. Sister Alice knows that formation is a precious gift. This gift is also a great responsibility. She is called to be a faithful witness, a call to service.

spazio + spadoni and Sister Alice’s mission

The Bene Mariya Congregation is very grateful to spazio + spadoni and its founder Luigi Spadoni
for fully funding Sister Alice’s studies.

Her journey was inspired by her experience with spazio + spadoni, which promotes the formation and autonomy of religious communities through shared commitment and active mercy.

This space, which supports congregations in implementing sustainable development projects, perfectly embodies the spirit with which Sister Alice wishes to work within her congregation.

The idea that formation should not be an end in itself,
but a lever to help the community, is at the heart of her vision.

Sister Alice dreams of offering young sisters in her congregation the opportunity to access training so that they in turn can put all their skills at the service of mission.

A future of hope and mission

Sister Alice’s journey does not end there. Her degree in accounting and auditing is a step toward a greater mission: that of a sister committed to competence, responsibility and love.

Her ambition is that her experience may inspire many other young sisters to follow the same path, to better serve God through learning and professional management of missionary works.

Her story shows how mercy can be expressed in different ways: through prayer and service to the poor, but also through training and stewardship of resources. A well-run charity can make a difference in the lives of many people.

However, Sister Alice is aware that her path will still be full of challenges, so she looks to the future with confidence and realism. From the beginning of her religious formation, she has known that she is a daughter of the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of Bene Mariya: with her, she will always see her mission through to the end, because it is the mission of her Son: “It was in the darkness of faith that Mary allowed herself to be drawn into the mystery of her mission” (Const. Art. 110).

With diploma in hand and heart full of gratitude, he knows that his congregation will be a solid support in fulfilling his mission.

Turning knowledge into service and service into a concrete sign of mercy:
this is her commitment for the future.

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