Prayer in the divine will
Man’s spiritual journey from the Old Testament to Jesus’ Lord’s Prayer; and the revelations of the “Book of Heaven”
One Prayer
Since man has sought God, we have so many pieces of great communion, for example: The Psalms, the Prophets giving us the teaching of the Word. This was in the Old Testament.
Then, with the coming of Jesus Christ to earth, we had one prayer, the Lord’s Prayer which includes all our good things, including the certain promise of the Kingdom of God, even on earth.
To make us better understand, Jesus in the Gospel told us In Matthew 6:31-33 “Therefore do not be troubled, saying, What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? These things the Gentiles worry about; for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you in addition.”
Also in the Gospel (John 15:5) he tells us, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing.” So, without Jesus, we achieve nothing and can do nothing, not even breathe!
Over the centuries, many prayers have sprung up to ask now for this, now for that. I can think of the Prayers of St. Bridget, The Crown of Mary’s Tears, the Holy Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, all very beautiful and bearing much fruit, but we have somewhat forgotten to ask for the Advent of the Kingdom of God, the harbinger of all good things.
Now, with these new revelations of Jesus’ love from the volumes of the “Book of Heaven,” we have realized that only merged in Jesus and Mary can we live fully and achieve everything, forcefully calling for the Advent of the Kingdom of God to bring order to a world of chaos, wars, environmental disasters.
In one of the beautiful ejaculatory prayers in the book “ The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will,” one asks, “Holy Mother come into my soul, and give me the miracle of being possessed by the Divine Will.”
To enter into the Divine Will, the act of fusion is required: “Jesus, melt into me and I melt into you, Jesus let us do everything together…”; “Therefore I want all of you this day, always together with me in prayer, in work, in pleasures and sorrows, in food, in steps, in sleep, in everything; and I am certain that since I can do nothing by myself I will obtain everything with you” (Book of Heaven – Volume 11 ch. 2).
But how wonderful to be always united as we were in the beginning when we were created and had the fullness of Life.
The knowledge of it will cast hope into hearts
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church Chapter One, Numbers 374-376 we read about how man was completely in the grace of God, in a great intimacy with the Lord, so much so that he was exempt from death and pain…
To fully recover this intimacy we must, as a first thing, read and know. Jesus says, “My daughter, the principal means to make My Divine Fiat reign on earth are the knowledge of It. The knowledge will form the ways, will arrange the earth to be its Kingdom, will form the cities, will act as telegraphs, as telephones, as post offices, as trumpeters, to communicate between city and city, between creature and creature, between nation and nation, the news, the important knowledge about my Divine Will; and the knowledge of It will cast in hearts the hope, the desire to receive so much good. From here one cannot escape: a good cannot be desired nor received unless one knows it, and if one receives it without knowing it, it is as if one did not receive it.” (Book of Heaven – Volume 26, August 7, 1929).
So, all very clear. Let us read and meditate on: “The 24 Hours of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ,” “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will,” and the thirty-six volumes of the “Book of Heaven,” all penned by Luisa Piccarreta who put the wills of Jesus and our Heavenly Mother on paper. And we call within us, in every act, Jesus and Mary to do everything together and live with one will.
I am already tired of waiting for you
But let Jesus speak: “My children, my children, where are you? Why do you not come to your Father? Why do you go far from Me, wandering, poor, full of all miseries? Your ills are wounds to My Heart; I am already tired of waiting for you, and since you do not come, no longer being able to contain My love that burns Me, I come looking for you and bring you the great gift of My Will. Deh, I beg you, I beseech you Listen to Me, move Me to compassion for My tears, My burning sighs. (APPEAL OF THE DIVINE KING IN THE KINGDOM OF HIS WILL, Volume 1, Book of Heaven, Gamba edition).
After these touching words of the Divine King let us make a serious commitment to hasten the Kingdom of God on earth, and return to the divine intimacy they had at the beginning of creation as Adam and Eve.
(Riccardo Rossi, little son of Palermo – Adveniat Regnum Tuum)