Pope: inhuman is war, which breaks mothers’ hearts
On Vatican News, the Pope’s New Year’s thought for the mothers of children “taken away by violence, pride, hatred”
By Antonella Palermo – Vatican City (Vatican News)
The baby Jesus, which in Hebrew means “God saves,” and the heart of Mary, his mother. That which is seen and that which is not seen. To this dual presence, to this relationship of sonship and motherhood that culminates in the pain of the cross, the Pope refers for his catechesis from the Apostolic Palace on the first day of a new year, traditionally dedicated to peace. On the one hand, God becoming flesh and, on the other, the feelings held in reserve by his mother. To all mothers grieving the loss of their children through violence, pride, and hatred, Francis’ thoughts at the Angelus are particularly addressed.
Jesus brings peace
It is on the gratuitousness of the incarnation that the Pope dwells, an event that always has us to be amazed:
For the Lord came into the world to give us his own life. Let us think about this: all men are sons, but none of us chose to be born. God, on the other hand, chose to be born for us: Jesus is the revelation of his eternal and infinite love, bringing peace to the world
Mary’s heart beats with hope
Mary is discreet, yes, but the manifestations of what goes pondering in her heart are numerous, transforming, evident:
This heart is the ear that heard the announcement of the archangel Gabriel; this heart is the hand of bride given to Joseph; this heart is the embrace that enfolded Elizabeth in her old age. In Mary’s heart beats the hope of redemption and salvation for every creature.