Pope Francis: You will be Judged on Charity, not the Number of Degrees

Antidote to the culture of discarding

Charity is given by a gaze, one that keeps “constantly before your eyes the face of the poor.” Be vigilant, is Francis’ recommendation, so that “in your assemblies, may the impulse of gratuitousness and selfless love, thanks to which your presence in the Church began, always be alive and pulsating.” Matthew chapter 25 on the final judgment is what a Christian and a consecrated person should always have as a yardstick.

The Lord will not ask us, “What have you studied? How many degrees have you had? Here is the effective antidote to overcome, in us and around us, the culture of discarding: please don’t discard people, don’t select people with worldly criteria: how important they are, how much money they have … these worldly criteria, out. Don’t discard, but receive, embrace everyone, love everyone.”



Francesca Merlo– Vatican City



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