Peace Workshops: educating for dialogue for a better future

Is nonviolence a utopian aspiration or a concrete tool for resistance and change? Let’s find out with “Peace Workshops”

This is the question that drives urgent reflection in the context of an increasingly complex and polarized world.

The promotion of nonviolence as a conscious choice and tool for change is at the heart of the Officine di Pace project, an initiative promoted by the Festival of Mission together with the Sereno Regis Study Center of Turin, which brings with it more than 40 years of experience in promoting nonviolence.

The project, aimed at Secondary School children, will be held in Turin from Oct. 9 to 12, 2025, with the aim of educating on peace and dialogue through a pathway divided into three modules run independently by the trainers:

  • Vision and reflection – Screening of international short films on the theme of peace.
  • Theoretical Insight – Teaching materials to explore the principles of nonviolence.
  • Creativity in action.

The modules are designed to explore the theme of peace from different perspectives.

The first of these will be devoted to viewing selected documentaries: participants will be guided through international short films that address issues related to dialogue and nonviolence. The aim is to stimulate a collective reflection, starting from real experiences and stories.

The second will stimulate a discussion on dialogue education from some literary cues and references that teachers can use to structure the lesson.

The third consists of the creation of short videos intended for social campaigns. This content, created by participants, will carry messages of peace and dialogue to a wider audience. The most significant videos will be presented at the big event in Turin’s Piazza Castello during the Mission Festival, giving participants a platform to share their efforts with a national audience.

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Website Mission Festival