Ordinary people, on TV, to give hope

“Truth of Heaven,” a new TV broadcast aimed at giving hope, hosted by journalist Riccardo Rossi

On a broadcaster broadcast, in addition to Mexico, in 20 countries in Latin America, the U.S., Spain, Medjugorje, stories of ordinary people, who in their daily lives as spouses, parents, grandparents, workers, with simplicity tell how their lives have changed by living the Truths of Heaven volumes penned by Luisa Piccarreta.

Stories also of religious, nuns and priests from the Fiat! Totus Tuus who speak of the figure of the mystic Luisa Piccarreta and their lives given to make the Divine Will known.

Existences that are “merged” in a profound faith
which are narrated in a new TV broadcast entitled “Truths of Heaven”
by the Little Sons of Palermo,
conducted by journalist Riccardo Rossi
on Maria Vision Italia, on channel 255, on Thursday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m.

A TV broadcast that takes its cue from the words of Pope Francis on the fifty-ninth World Communications Day: “A communication that knows how to make us fellow travelers of so many brothers and sisters, that rekindles hope in them in such troubled times.

That it speaks to the heart by arousing not passionate reactions of closure and anger but attitudes of openness and friendship; capable of focusing on beauty and hope even in the most desperate situations.”

“A TV broadcast,” says Riccardo Rossi, ”to make it clear that it is not necessary to do the big things,
be powerful, famous, but to live fully and in faith the reality of one’s family,
of one’s work even if it is very humble.”

“Oh, if everyone understood that only my Divine Will knows how to do great things, and even if they were small and insignificant, oh, how happy everyone would be, and everyone would love the little place, the office in which God has put him! But how they are mastered by human will, they would like to give of themselves, to do great deeds that they cannot do, so they are always displeased with the condition or place in which Divine Providence has placed them for their good (Jesus speaks in Volume 33 – Book of Heaven- October 4, 1935).”

The year-long broadcast will run fortnightly.
In addition to channel 255, it will also be streamed on Maria Vision’s website.

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