Novena of spazio + spadoni | NINTH DAY
The Novena is a time of waiting that spazio + spadoni wishes to fill with a personal reflection on works of mercy
- On the altar, 9 unlit candles, in a row (one will be lit each day at the conclusion of the prayer)
- If praying as a family, the same candle can be lit each time.
Symbol: a pencil
Initial hymn: your choice, depending on your repertoire
CEL. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
From the Gospel according to Matthew (11:2.4)
“John, having heard in prison of the works of Christ, sent word to him through his disciples, “Are you the one who is to come, or must we wait for another?” Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see.”
From the preface by Card. Matteo Zuppi of the book “Only Love Creates. The Works of Spiritual Mercy” (St. Paul’s Editions) by Fr. Fabio Rosini:
“Mercy liberates from the false religion of individualism, whereby I leave you alone, perhaps with lots of good manners or with anonymous and aseptic virtual truths. Mercy is taking charge of the other, God’s choice that becomes our choice, mine and his at the same time.”
Today’s work of mercy: counseling the doubters
On the ninth and final day of this novena,
the chosen symbol is a pencil.
With it we can give new guidance
on an uncertain text,
always ready, however, to turn back.
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, make us wise to counsel those in doubt;
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, accompany humility to wisdom;
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, enlighten our minds and hearts.
The ninth and final lamp (or candle) is lit as the reader reads this prayer:
Lord Jesus,
it is not easy
To counsel those who are in doubt,
but You guide us
and we will know how to be of help to each of our brothers.
Show us the mercy of Your face
That will know, each day, to enlighten our steps.
CEL. Beloved, today, we have been reflecting and praying on a work of spiritual mercy. Let us make these words become deeds. God’s mercy is at work — ALWAYS!
God bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
Final hymn: to be chosen according to one’s repertoire