Novena of spazio + spadoni | FOURTH DAY
The Novena is a time of waiting that spazio + spadoni wishes to fill with a personal reflection on works of mercy
- On the altar, 9 unlit candles, in a row (one will be lit each day at the conclusion of the prayer)
- If praying as a family, the same candle can be lit each time.
Symbol: a key
Initial hymn: your choice, depending on your repertoire
CEL. In the name of the Father,
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
– The Word
From the Gospel according to Luke (2: 6.7)
“While they were there, the time of childbirth was fulfilled for her; and she gave birth to her firstborn son, and swaddled him, and laid him in a manger, for there was no room for them in the inn.”
From Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 Christmas homily
“Do we have time for the neighbor who needs ours, my word, my affection? For the suffering person who needs help? For the refugee or refugee seeking asylum? Do we have time and space for God? Can He come into our lives? Does He find a space in us, or have we occupied all the spaces of our thinking, our acting, our living for ourselves?”
Today’s work of mercy: housing pilgrims
A key, on the fourth day of this novena,
is symbolic not only of so many closed doors,
but especially of our closures.
Today, it reminds us that we must open our hearts,
welcome, host,
so that those who are strangers
does not feel alone and far from home….
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, grant us to be welcoming to our brothers and sisters;
- Jesus, in anticipation of Christmas, make us neighbors, fellow students and life companions attentive to the needs of others;
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, make us go through the door of our little world, to reach out to our neighbor.
The fourth lamp (or candle) is lit as the reader reads a prayer by Mariangela Molari (Quran):
help me to be for all a friend,
who waits without growing weary,
who welcomes with kindness,
who gives with love,
Who listens without fatigue,
who gives thanks with joy.
A friend one is always certain to find
When in need.
Help me to be a sure presence,
to whom one can turn
when desired;
To offer a restful friendship,
to radiate joyful peace,
your peace, O Lord.
Make it available and welcoming
especially toward the weakest and most helpless.
Thus without performing extraordinary works,
I can help others to feel closer to you,
Lord of tenderness.
CEL. Beloved, today, we have been reflecting and praying on the fourth work of mercy. Let us make these words become deeds. God’s mercy is at work — ALWAYS!
God bless you. Ne