Novena of spazio+ spadoni | FIRST DAY
The Novena is a time of waiting that Space + Swords wishes to fill with a personal reflection on works of mercy
– On the altar, 9 unlit candles, in a row (One will be lit each day at the conclusion of the prayer)
– You may choose to begin with the Skylight*** (see below)
– Symbol: a manger
Opening hymn: your choice according to your repertoire
CEL. In the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
– From the Gospel according to Luke (2:7)
“And she gave birth to her firstborn son, and swaddled him and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
Lett. 1 – From Pope Francis’ homily on Dec. 24, 2022 in the Vatican Basilica
“The manger: to find the meaning of Christmas we must look there. But why is the manger so important? Because it is the sign, not accidental, with which Christ enters the scene of the world. It is the manifesto with which he presents himself, the way God is born into history to bring history to life. What then does he want to tell us through the manger?
He wants to tell us at least three things: closeness, poverty and concreteness.”
Lett. 2 – Today’s work of mercy: feeding the hungry
On a manger, God comes to “make Himself food” for us.
He comes to tell us, with simplicity, that He can feed us and give us what we need.
He comes to disrupt our beautiful Christmas tables to remind us that there are still those in the world who do not have access to one of our basic rights.
He comes to remind us that we are called to feed the hungry….
They are brought to the altar:
– An empty plate
Ass. Jesus, as we look forward to Christmas, help us to glimpse and fill the empty plates of our poorest brothers and sisters in so many parts of the world and remind us of the waste and the superfluous we are capable of;
– Of the crumbs of bread
Ass. Jesus, as we look forward to Christmas, free us from the thought that crumbs may be enough. Teach us respect; show us the way to approach the hungry without conceit, in a spirit of sharing.
– Spoon
Ass. Jesus, in anticipation of Christmas, make us feel the hunger too. That hunger for justice, for peace, for faith that we often don’t think about. Give us the humility to be fed by You and by our neighbor.
The first lamp is lit as the reader reads a prayer by Mother Teresa of Calcutta:
Hunger for love, hunger for God
The worst disease of today is not feeling wanted or loved,
the feeling abandoned.
There are many people in the world who die of hunger,
but an even greater number die from lack of love.
Everyone needs love.
Everyone needs to know that he or she es
desired, to be loved,
and that they are important to God. There is hunger for love, and there is hunger for God.
CEL. Beloved, today, we have been reflecting and praying on the first work of mercy. Let us make these words become deeds. God’s mercy is at work — ALWAYS!
God bless you. In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
Final hymn: your choice, according to your repertoire