Novena of spazio spadoni | EIGHTH DAY
The Novena is a time of waiting that spazio + spadoni wishes to fill with a personal reflection on works of mercy
- On the altar, 9 unlit candles, in a row (one will be lit each day at the conclusion of the prayer)
- If praying as a family, the same candle can be lit each time.
Symbol: a flower
Initial hymn: your choice, according to your repertoire
CEL. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
From the Gospel according to Matthew (11:28.30)
“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls; for my yoke is gentle and my burden is light.”
From a homily by Pope Francis (May 5, 2016)
“In moments of sadness, in the suffering of illness, in the anguish of persecution and in the pain of bereavement, everyone seeks a word of consolation […] We feel a strong need for someone to be close to us and to feel compassion for us […] We experience what it means to be disoriented, confused, affected in the depths as we had never thought. We look around uncertainly, to see if we can find someone who can really understand our pain […] We need mercy, the consolation that comes from the Lord.”
Today’s work of mercy: consoling the afflicted
A flower is what is needed, or something similar.
Any gesture or sign of tenderness
that can make the burden of an afflicted heart lighter.
On the eighth day of this novena,
we want to ideally offer a flower
to all the people who at this time
are carrying suffering and sadness inside.
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, open our eyes and hearts to the pain of others;
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, enable us to give comfort to those in need;
- Jesus, as we wait for Christmas, teach us to trust You and hope in Your consolation.
The eighth lamp (or candle) is lit as the reader reads a prayer posted at www.preghieracristiana.it:
Lord Jesus,
we thank you for your word
which reminds us that the afflicted will be comforted.
Help us to live with hope and faith,
even in the most difficult times.
May we be willing to support others
in their suffering
And to find comfort in you.
CEL. Beloved, today, we have been reflecting and praying on the eighth work of mercy. Let us make these words become deeds. God’s mercy is at work — ALWAYS!
God bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
ASS. Amen.
Final hymn: your choice according to your repertoire