Msgr. Justin Georges Ebengue: a pastor according to God’s mercy

The episcopal consecration of Msgr. Justin Georges Ebengue, bishop of Yakadouma, Cameroon

An event of grace that illuminates the path of the Church in Africa

A life dedicated to God’s call

A tireless pastor and a man of deep mercy, his appointment is a sign of God’s care for His people, a call to serve with love and dedication.

Born on May 18, 1970 into a Christian family, Bishop Ebengue has experienced faith as a light that guides the way since childhood.

His formation path began in the Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Doumé propaedeutic seminary and was consolidated in the large interdiocesan seminary Notre-Dame de l’Espérance in Bertoua.

Here he matured his priestly vocation, embracing the mission with a generous heart and spirit of service.

Ordained a priest on Feb. 18, 2006 for the Diocese of Batouri, he then deepened his studies by earning a degree in canon law from the Catholic University of Central Africa in Yaoundé.

This training has made him a valuable reference point for the local Church, not only in the pastoral sphere but also in administrative leadership and the formation of new generations of priests.

A missionary heart at the service of the Church

Throughout his ministry, Archbishop Ebengue took on positions of great responsibility, distinguishing himself by his apostolic zeal and
his ability to lead with wisdom. He served as parish vicar and pastor, accompanying communities in spiritual growth and charity.

His service then extended to the role of chancellor, seminary rector, diocesan administrator, chaplain and vicar general, always manifesting a deep concern for the good of the souls entrusted to him.

Since 2023, as rector of the large interdiocesan seminary in Bertoua, he has trained future priests, passing on to them not only theological knowledge but also the spirit of mercy that must animate every pastor.

His ability to combine teaching with lived experience made him an authentic educator, capable of forming priests firm in the faith and ready to give themselves for the Kingdom of God.

An episcopate under the banner of mercy

Bishop Ebengue’s episcopal consecration by Archbishop Samuel Kleda, Metropolitan of Douala, marks the beginning of a new chapter in his mission. As successor to the apostles, he is called to be a visible sign of Christ’s love for the Church. His ministry will certainly be marked by fidelity to the Gospel, closeness to the faithful, special attention to the most needy and the promotion of corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

In a world marked by divisions and difficulties, his witness as a merciful pastor will be a light of hope. His missionary heart will continue to beat for the good of the Church, with an eye always on those who suffer and who await a sign of God’s tenderness.

As the Church unites in prayer for his new episcopal ministry, we entrust Msgr. Justin Georges Ebengue to the intercession of the Virgin Mary and the holy pastors who have led God’s people with love and dedication. May his episcopate be a reflection of divine mercy and a sign of Christ’s living presence among his faithful.

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