Mexico: murder of a priest

A tragic act that has shaken the Church in Mexico

Father Marcelo Pérez, an indigenous priest, was brutally murdered by armed men on Sunday 20 October. According to witnesses, the assailants, two people on a motorbike, shot at his vehicle. They appear to have acted with impunity, a scenario that unfortunately recurs in these areas, where the forces of law and order are struggling to establish order.

A defender of the rights of indigenous peoples

Father Marcelo Pérez was a spiritual and community leader who devoted his life to defending the rights of indigenous peoples, particularly in Chiapas, a region of southern Mexico known for its ethnic and political tensions. A member of the Tzotzile community, he had a deep understanding of the challenges faced by indigenous peoples: marginalisation, poverty and violence.

For years, he advocated peace, encouraged dialogue and denounced the injustices perpetrated against his community. This earned him widespread respect among his own people, but also many enemies.

Father Marcelo Pérez knew that his life was in danger, but he never stopped denouncing injustice.

The need for justice for indigenous peoples

The murder of Father Marcelo Pérez raises essential questions about violence against peace activists and indigenous communities, as well as issues of justice and respect for human rights in many parts of the world, where violence and impunity continue to reign. This is a tragedy that transcends local and national borders.

The Catholic Church, along with human rights organisations, has expressed its outrage and demanded concrete measures to protect community leaders who continue to face constant threats. There have been numerous calls for a thorough investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice.

To honour the memory of this dedicated priest, it is essential that justice is done, not only for him, but for all the victims of this systemic violence against indigenous peoples and their defenders.




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