Merry merciful Christmas
Best wishes for a merciful Christmas (including to ourselves) from spazio + spadoni
Another Christmas…
Another run for where?
We look around and notice that most people don’t meet, don’t have time to cross glances, to stop and talk, to pause in amazement at the mystery of the Nativity.
For example, before midnight mass (for those who go), it’s a race to the finish for yet another gift and to finalize preparations for a dinner party where you already know there will be so much stuff left over…
For this reason, spazio + spadoni, in addition to giving and receiving good wishes (SEE VIDEOS), asks its inhabitants and the readers of this magazine for a small gift:
the gift of a few minutes on Christmas Day
Not tomorrow, which is Boxing Day.
Not Monday, that you start your diet.
Not after the holidays, that we resume work and/or school.
Today, on Christmas Day, just today!
Jesus, who is born to bring love to a humanity sorely in need of mercy, asks for some of our time. From that manger he asks us to pause, to feed on hope.
How else could we?
How would the shepherds or the magi have visited him if they had run for more, caught up only in their own lives and occupations? If they had not chosen to devote time to that happening? If they had not diverted their trajectories?
Come to think of it, every work of mercy (consoling the afflicted, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, counseling the doubters, hosting pilgrims, etc.), even before a fraternal attitude and approach, requires time in the first place!
No work can ever be accomplished unless you give yourself personally.
If you do not approach people or make people approach you, there can, in fact, be no proximity.
May Jesus, who comes into the world in simplicity and poverty, not only urge us to be merciful to others, but have mercy on each of us: for all the times we make “another Christmas” go by with those hectic rhythms that do not give place to relationships and works.
Have mercy on our lukewarm good wishes, our hasty greetings, our missed opportunities for exchange.
And bring us as a gift that new measure of time
– To love without measure and with joy –
that space + spadoni is learning day by day
from the poor and the peripheries of the world.
A peaceful , slow and merciful Christmas to all!
- Sister A. Maria Gervasoni (Oceania)