Mercy is freedom

“I did not understand You, Lord, in the moments of suffering, when You were performing the work in my soul, but today I understand You and enjoy the freedom of the spirit” (St. Faustina – V Diary 20.X.1937 n.1331 p. 711)

Divine Mercy, that is, God’s infinite work of love toward His creature is true freedom: in its genesis, its purpose and its opportunity.

In its genesis in that God is Love and His action is Divine Mercy working unceasingly, without any compulsion, for all people of all times: God freely, since creation, stoops over man in His infinite mercy and, when the opportune time came, sent His Son, to raise us from the condition into which we had led ourselves.

In its purpose it is freedom because it does not demand ransom or quid pro quo; in the world His Mercy works ceaselessly for the true good of every man, touching every infirmity, material moral and spiritual, so that he may progress in the knowledge of his Creator and live in His sonship. Regardless of any outcome it works so that every heart may be provoked in loving and to love God and his neighbor.

In its opportunity it is freedom because it delivers to every man the possibility of opening himself to the existence of a greater reality that bears witness to God’s presence without constraint and forcing. No one is mortified in his dignity in receiving daily lights and signs of God’s existence and the need to recognize his neighbor as himself. All are given the freedom to choose the path that generates true Life and eternal Life, or to remain in the darkness of their own selfishness and generate for themselves the eternal darkness of hell.

Even for us who want to be witnesses of His love, modeling our lives on His, we will live operating in true mercy when we respect these connotations of divine action because as St. Faustina says, “Pure love is the guide of my life and the fruit on the outside is Mercy” (V Diary 25.X.1937 No. 1363 p. 722).

Don Antonio Quaranta

Spiritual Assistant
Diocesan association for spreading the cult of Divine Mercy
Dives in Misericordia
Archdiocese Salerno-Campagna-Acerno

Sources and Images

  • Dives in Misericordia
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