“Letters Under the Tree” | 21
Today, from Palermo, a “letter under the tree” in tandem, written by the Mulè sisters: Greta (age 12) and Gaia (age 8)
Dear World,
I ask you for mercy for our animal friends.
Every creature, whether big or small, cute or not, lazy or lively, fast or slow, always deserves love and respect.
Animals offer us companionship, serenity, joy and, often, they also give us valuable and important life lessons.
It is, therefore, our duty to protect them and to reflect on the importance of treating every living being with kindness, without mistreating or even killing them unjustly.
Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for all.
(Greta Mulè, seventh grade – Palermo)
Dear World,
I hope that, from now on, no one pollutes the sea anymore, not least because marine animals might mistake for food anything that humans throw in, get confused and die.
Also, I ask you to stop showing me the scene of a person throwing stuff on the ground, because it is so ugly to even think that someone has littered the streets or parks. Me, I don’t like it at all and, in fact, I never throw anything on the ground.
(Gaia Mulè, third grade – Palermo)
- Image digitally created by spazio + spadoni