“Letters Under the Tree” | 14
From Anna Staropoli, a letter for the social peripheries of our cities and the world, of those on the margins of Christmas and life
Dear Santa Claus,
give us a revolution of love and humanity, everything that can make us feel community. Help us to generate daily good and peace in the everyday of our lives and among peoples around the world.
Dear Child Jesus,
Help us to be born with you in the dark and cold of this long night of wars and injustice.
Give rights to those who have been taken away, protect the innocent child victims of endless wars. And teach us to love, for it is the only way to remain human.
I entrust to you the many women encountered this year, victims of violence and abuse.
Protect all women from workplace bullying and a patriarchal culture still present in the world.
Free us from the hypocrisy of scribes and Pharisees, of church doctors who occupy spaces of power rather than service.
Spread reciprocity in relationships: enlighten the hearts and souls of politicians; give them a healthy ethical restlessness in their choices for the good of all; disarm the powerful and warlords.
Tear with your baby cry our hearts, for a Christmas that is an awakening in the face of a slaughter of the innocent that is taking place before our eyes.
Deliver us from the globalization of indifference and warm our hearts to feel emotions, affectivity, love.
I entrust to you my children and the children of all and everyone. To our young people today give hope, and the meaning and taste of life.
Free them of the selfishness of us adults, that they may be born with you and develop their talents.
Give us all a little beauty, which is the only beauty that can save the world. And help us to bring public happiness to our cities, workplaces, the Mediterranean and the world.
Deliver us from violence and war, from abuses of power.
Give us places of thought, of reflection, of confrontation.
Give us a time of meaning where we can rediscover the slowness of authentic relationships.
Help us to give ourselves peace to give peace.
(Anna Staropoli, sociologist at the “Pedro Arrupe” Institute in Palermo)
- Image digitally created by spazio + spadoni