“In the darkness you see the stars”: nonviolence calendar

In Palermo, a calendar to make people reflect on nonviolence through the faces of some witnesses of History

(by Serena Termini)

Palermo – “In the dark we see the stars. Witnesses of Nonviolence between Israel and Palestine” is the title of the 2O25 Nonviolence Calendar of the International Reconciliation Movement (MIR), edited by Erminia Scaglia with drawings by Tiziana Crivello.

The presentation took place Dec. 21 at Diktinne Bobok Gallery in Palermo (ed.).

“This year we wanted to focus on the theme of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” explains MIR’s Ermina Scaglia, who is also an art historian. As always, the calendar will be offered in some schools in Palermo. Nonviolence is the only active force that can stop the spiral of hatred and revenge that every war inevitably generates. Therefore, we give you twelve stories, some from the past and some current: some experiences that make a difference through literature, music, art. Others are actions planned with specific projects by NGOs and religious and secular organizations; then there are stories that ended in apparent failure, that of killed workers who “inhabited” the conflict through a sober style, sharing with the victims the precariousness of emergency situations but also the fears and risks of war. Nothing is ever in vain, no action is defeat, because, as Martin Luther King said, “it is in the darkness that the stars are seen”.


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