Hope in the world’s largest portion of the Church

In an article by Federico Piana in Vatican News, an account of a Jubilee initiative in French Polynesia

This year’s Jubilee in French Polynesia, celebrated in the Archdiocese of Papeete, is an event filled with hope and deep meaning for the local Church.

With 12 parishes designated as pilgrimage sites, the Jubilee serves as an opportunity to reflect on God’s mercy, which is expressed through works of mercy towards others.

Archbishop Jean-Pierre Cottanceau emphasized the importance of bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the islands, recognizing that the Church’s mission is to spread Christian love and charity. In Polynesia, the Jubilee is also an invitation to live out mercy concretely, especially in light of the social and economic challenges affecting many people.

Father Sandro Lafranconi, an Italian missionary, shared how preparations for the Jubilee began on Christmas Eve with a strong symbol: an anchor of salvation, representing unwavering faith in Christ.

Through these celebrations, the Catholic community in Papeete is experiencing a spiritual renewal and committing itself to the mission, actively engaging in works of mercy as a gesture of living out the Gospel’s testimony.

READ ON VATICAN NEWS (italian language)

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