HIC SUM spazio + spadoni in Madagascar

Pietro, Serena and Agatino, volunteers from Misericordia di Adrano, left on March 14 to go on a mission trip to Madagascar, a new phase of the HIC SUM project (Part 1)

On March 14, 2025, Governor Pietro Branchina and volunteers Tomaselli Agatino and Arcoria Serena of Misericordia di Adrano (CT) left for Antananarivo, Madagascar.

The HIC SUM project, activated by spazio + spadoni in collaboration with the Misericordia of Adrano and the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Ragusa in Madagascar, kicked off on March 13, 2024 with the arrival of Sister Esther and Sister Yolande.

Their goal was to learn the basics of first aid and to learn how to create a social enterprise that would help their communities and ensure their livelihood. In particular, Sister Yolande learned how to run a farm and produce dairy products.

spazio + spadoni


Toward Madagascar

This is mission time. The Madagascan sisters have dozens of communities to look after, and Adrano’s volunteers left to support them in implementing the HIC SUM project.

On March 15, 2025, after a few hours’ flight, the Adrano volunteers landed in Antananarivo. Welcoming them at the airport was a warm group of enthusiastic Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Ragusa, led by Sr Esther and Sr Yolande.

But also waiting for them was the sad reality of the suburbs: slums and poverty.

“More needs to be done. That’s the reality we have to act on,” Sr. Esther.

First leg: Fanantenana – Tsaravavaka (16/03/2024)

After a short stay in the capital, volunteers begin their journey to the first community. Only one road connects Antananarivo to Antsirabe, along which several villages have developed.

On the way, together with driver Lantu and Sister Esther, the volunteers observed the severe conditions in which the inhabitants live:

  • children on the side of the road,
  • poor sanitation conditions,
  • rutted roads.

All this is in stark contrast to the breathtaking landscapes of Madagascar.

“This is the sign of poverty,” said Sister Esther, ”when you have nothing, you try to create your fortune even by selling river pebbles.”


The welcome

After a five-hour journey, arrival is marked by a moment of great joy: the children of the orphanage, with the help of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, put on a real show of singing, dancing and hugging.

“We are really happy to be here.”
Pietro Branchina
“Who, if not the children, represent the future?”

spazio + spadoni


Training and sharing

After visiting the facility, volunteers shared playtime and training. They showed the children CPR and airway decompression techniques.

“Fanantenana” means hope.
A perfect name for a place from which tomorrow’s Madagascar can be born.


Beyond charity

For spazio + spadoni The project does not have to be a simple donation.

“It is not enough to feed the poor. You have to give them a chance to redeem themselves.” During the meeting, volunteers asked to stop saying “it has always been done this way.”
This mission must be a real reEvolution.

Agatino, one of the volunteers, helped the sisters identify useful techniques and tools to improve work on the farm:

“You already have so many resources. By improving the conditions of the animals and the workers, you will also improve the product and you can reinvest the earnings.”

Humanity at the center

Visiting other farms, the volunteers discovered serious situations of exploitation disguised as “missions.”

“This is not tolerable.”

The goal must be not only profit, but above all the cultural upliftment of villagers.

“The foundation must be laid for a reEvolution.”
Pietro Branchina

spazio + spadoni

The importance of networking

During meetings with high school students, volunteers shared first aid techniques and talked about their volunteer experience.

“Many young people in Italy already volunteer. You too can start.”

To get the kids involved, they played a simple game: tap one finger at a time until they formed a big clap.

“Everyone is a drop, but together we become a downpour.”

Sister Romana’s example

Sister Romana, now 89, is called “the engineer” for having designed and built three houses for Sacred Heart communities. Despite Alzheimer’s disease, she retains her visionary spirit:

“Now I can think about buying good cows, producing milk and cheese, selling it, making money and growing.”

Even without knowing the details of the HIC SUM project, he intuited the economic and solidarity logic behind the mission.


Collaboration with institutions

After one of the training meetings, volunteers were invited to hold another meeting in a public school.

Collaborating with institutions will be a valuable gift.

Conclusion of the first part

The first part of the mission ended with a plate of freshly made pasta and ricotta cheese.
On March 20, 2025, the volunteers will leave for a new leg.



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