HIC SUM in Madagascar
A new project that marks the beginning of new relationships enriching Spazio Spadoni
Today, 13 March 2024, a new HIC SUM project officially began. Sister Esther and Sister Yolande, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from Ragusa, have arrived in Sicily, welcomed by the Misericordia di Adrano. The sisters come from Madagascar. Sister Esther will stay with the Sicilian brothers and sisters until May, while Sister Yolande will return to the African continent at the beginning of September.
The Institute of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Ragusa (SCGR) was founded in 1889 by Blessed Maria Schininà, a native of Ragusa, to help the poor and the poorest of the city. The work then spread not only in Italy, but all over the world, responding to the charisma of the Congregation which is ‘to make Christ the Heart of the world’. In 1961, the sisters opened a community in Madagascar in the province of Fianarantsoa, with the help of a Jesuit priest. From the beginning they were entrusted with school education, the promotion of women and pastoral work. Over the years, all these activities have been specialised according to the needs of the local community.
The Congregation is currently present in eleven dioceses in Madagascar. Besides Madagascar, the sisters have several communities in Italy, especially in the Sicilian region, and are also present in Romania, Poland, Nigeria, India, the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Panama.
The volunteers and the Governor of the Misericordia, Pietro Branchina, are enthusiastic about the arrival of the sisters and have structured a full programme of activities for them, not only within the association but involving the entire population of Adranita.
On Sunday, 17 March, in addition to the normal Sunday celebrations, a special Holy Mass is planned, organised by the community to welcome the two sisters, and it will also be an opportunity to get to know them more closely.
Luigi Spadoni personally met Sister Esther and Sister Yolande on Sunday, 10 March, in the General House of the Institute, located in Rome on Via Cassia. Together with the Superior, Mother Ester Mazzarra (the same name as the sister who will carry out the HIC SUM project) and the General Secretary, Sister Laura Di Noto, they discussed the programme that the sisters will carry out in Adrano and the social enterprise that will be developed in Madagascar, once the sisters return from Italy.
The beginning of a new project always also marks the beginning of new relationships that enrich and will continue to enrich the Spadoni Space.
All that remains is to wish Sister Esther, Sister Yolande and all the volunteers of the Adrano Misericordia all the best for an experience that will be a tangible and concrete expression of missionary work and mercy.
- Selene Pera