Happy Hug Day from spazio + spadoni | The Video
On World Embrace Day, spazio + spadoni embraces all its inhabitants and reaches out to those waiting for a gesture of mercy
A series of hugs. Arms extended toward the whole world. Simple demonstrations of closeness of spazio + spadoni for its inhabitants, and especially for the religious women.
This is how the video made by spazio+ spadoni on the occasion of the International Day of Embrace celebrated today, January 21, is presented.
There are no words. Only hugs. To say that sometimes all it takes is a gesture to express or show affection for someone.
But in the hugs that, over the years, every day and on multiple occasions, have taken place among the inhabitants of space + spadoni, there is more. It is a community of purpose and vision, because the commitment to spreading works of mercy unites and attracts.
The International Day of Embrace was born in 1986 thanks to a Michigan pastor, Kevin Zaborney. His idea involved hugging just in the winter time to convey human warmth to each other and feel less cold and melancholy. It was, moreover, a way to break down cultural barriers.
This is what happens inside spazio + spadoni: wherever you come from, there will always be a place and a hug for you.
Sometimes, we embrace because we have not seen each other for a long time or because we meet for the first time; at other times, to exchange thanks for always being there or for a project thought of and carried out together.
This can be confirmed by all the sisters who have passed through Lucca, but also by all the communities and native congregations scattered throughout Africa and the rest of the world. But also the staff, the magazine contributors and friends old and new.
Because, after all, the hug is a way to tell each other of one’s presence and to tighten even more an already existing bond.
On this Day 2025, therefore, spazio + spadoni embraces all people and wishes all humanity to walk together, in one embrace among brothers.
Beyond distance, regardless of linguistic and cultural differences, a very simple gesture can certainly be the sign of a universal language.
Finally, our strongest embrace goes to all people who are waiting for a gesture of mercy and tenderness. To those who are alone, to those who are hungry, to those who need to be visited, consoled, listened to.
A merciful embrace to all!