God’s Mercy on a Journey – Part 2
A 7,241-kilometer bridge from Madagascar to Adrano. Arrival at the Adrano Fraternity of Mercy
On the evening of Tuesday, March 12, 2024, we left Rome by bus and arrived in Catania at 8:00 a.m. on March 13. That morning we were welcomed by representatives of the Fraternity: Governor Pietro Branchina, Francesca, Serena, Noemi, Mina, and Monica. From this first morning welcome, we already felt at home and felt how good it will be to live with the Fraternity of Mercy of Adrano. They impressed us with their fraternity, kindness and respect. After having breakfast together, around noon we finally arrived in Adrano.
First stop at the Parish of St. Augustine to meet Don Pietro Strano, Vicar Foraneo of the Ecclesial Community of Adrano.
Don Pietro would not only accompany us in our spiritual life, but also welcome us at his home during our stay in Adrano.
In the evening, however, we officially met with the Adrano Fraternity of Mercy and its volunteers. The next day, the governor, Pietro Branchina, took us on a short tour of what would be our new home, the city of Adrano of the province of Catania. All the citizens, large and small, made us feel welcome and their warm welcome made us feel at home.
“Away with me, away with you, away with everyone”: our service at the Adrano Fraternity of Mercy
We wasted no time. On Friday, March 15, we took part in the daily and main activities of the Fraternity: accompanying and transporting the sick and needy during their medical examinations, checkups, chemotherapy and so on, at hospitals and clinics in Catania, Biancavilla, Bronte and throughout the neighboring territory.
Each person within the Fraternity has his or her own task, but medical transport, with medical cars and ambulance, is the daily occupation for almost all volunteers. We have performed this service every day since our arrival and have realized how delicate some of these transports can be. Their service is free to all citizens of Adrano. Patients can leave a donation, only if they want to and if they have the financial means.
“May God give them merit!”
This is their motto. The generosity of one citizen can help cover the transportation costs of another, thus triggering a spiral of solidarity where everyone gives what they can.
Jesus said, “freely you have received, freely give” (Mt 10:8). They do not live this word of the Gospel only in their hearts, but concretize it by their actions.
In addition to service, shared with Mercy, we embraced church ministry, catechism meetings and meetings with school children, youth and adults in Catholic Action.
We discovered that the Adrano Fraternity of Misericordia also carries out Pastoral Work in their small way. We participated with them in some meetings with catechism children from various parishes, during which, the volunteers explain to the children and youth what volunteering is and that we can all do works of charity, starting with the simplest things of daily life in the family, at school, on the street and so on. They all want to promote active volunteering in their community, starting with the youngest. If everyone gives a small part of themselves and their time, we can hope for a better future.
Their activities do not stop at medical transportation. They do health care activities, during major events involving their city, and also Civil Defense activities, not only intervening in calamitous events, but also organizing information campaigns aimed at the population to spread good practices in case of emergency. In addition, there is no lack of training. They do nothing unless they have first received proper training and passed the relevant exams. On April 13, Sister Yolande also took her first exam and received certification to perform “BLSD” maneuvers.
In conclusion, we first thank the Lord for His benevolence as He guided us along our journeys from Madagascar to Italy.
“Mercy is at Work, always!” is the motto of spazio + spadoni. We are sure that God’s Mercy is on its way to Madagascar.
Thank you Luigi for your generosity, your testimony as a great man of faith, which spurs us all to go to those in need.
Thanks, also, to our Mother General because, through her great openness and love for Our Congregation, she allowed us to have this beautiful and precious experience in Adrano, at the Fraternity of Mercy.
Heartfelt thanks go to Pietro Branchina, Governor of the Fraternity of Misericordia in Adrano to whom Luigi entrusted us. We would like to thank, without any distinction, all the collaborators and volunteers of the Fraternity.
Let us not forget Father Pietro Strano and his family members, who hosted us in their home, making us feel part of their family. We felt, truly, at home.
To the parishioners, thank you for your tact and kindness towards us.
In a special way we want to address the entire city of Adrano. We will not forget your faith in living Adrano’s religious culture.
Sister Esther and Sister Yolande
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Ragusa