St. Joseph Allamano Also Call Us to Make Us Saints | The Videos
Today, Feb. 16, is the feast of St. Joseph Allamano, the founder of the Consolata canonized Oct. 2024
It is his first year as a saint, but his name should not only be read on calendars.
As Father James Lengarin, Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries, writes, “Today, for the first time, the Church celebrates the solemnity of St. Joseph Allamano, Founder of the Consolata Missionaries. We pray that his simple and humble life may touch us to be humble to serve our brothers and sisters with the Consolation and hope of the Lord. May St. Allamano intercede for each of us.”
On this occasion, Space + Swords, in addition to joining in prayer, has the pleasure of reproposing the four video cartoons on the figure of Joseph Allamano, made by Missio Ragazzi of the Missio Foundation (CEI).
“United,” ‘invited,’ ‘in solidarity,’ ‘sent’: these are the themes of each episode, the same ones that Missio had proposed for the animation of the Missionary October weeks.
Specifically, each time, they delve into an aspect of the life of the Piedmontese missionary who, as the authors write, “is a character all to be discovered, capable of infecting anyone with his healthy enthusiasm for evangelization, [whose] teaching continues to inspire and motivate all those who wish to bring the joy of the Gospel to the world.”
His motto was, in fact, “No sulking! Always joy I want, always cheerful faces. Cheerfulness is a beautiful virtue.” Words still relevant and necessary, even though he lived between 1851 and 1926.
On the day of his solemnity, let us get to know him better.
While these are materials to be used in the missionary animation of children and youth, viewing is recommended for all ages.
First video: United as a Family
Mission is not done alone, but united, and Joseph Allamano used to remind missionaries: “We are one big family. We are all brothers and we must work together all our lives. Become one to the point of giving our lives for one another.”
Second video: Invited – Rise Above Narrow Ideas
St. Joseph Allamano invites us to broaden our horizons, not to close in on ourselves but to mingle with others, to leave our securities and meet Jesus. Are you ready to leave the well?
Third video: Solidarity – “Be channels – and not basins – for material gifts”
Those who open their hearts to God and mission cannot keep love all to themselves: it must be shared, it must “flow like water in a canal.” Being in solidarity with humanity means overcoming the selfishness that keeps us in the “troughs.”
St. Joseph Allamano, due to health reasons, never left for the mission, but he was able to arouse in his brothers and sisters the desire to go out of their own boundaries, to proclaim the Gospel to all.