Following the example of St. Joseph

From the Democratic Republic of Congo, a thought on the faith of St. Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary

(by Fr. Victor Mbatu – Kisangani)

Brothers and sisters in Christ, peace!
On Wednesday, March 19, 025, Mother Church celebrated the solemnity of St. Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary.

1. The feast of St. Joseph became especially popular in the 15th century, when Pope Gregory XVl included it in the calendar of the whole Church in 1621. Since 2013, St. Joseph has been named in the four Eucharistic prayers.

2. Three texts proposed for meditation: 2S7:4-5.12-14.16; Rom4:13.16-18.22; Mt 1:16.18-21.24.
– The first reading announces that the Messiah will be the son of David. Now, if Jesus is the son of David, it is because Joseph, a descendant of David, as a faithful observer of the law, had taken a daughter of his family as his wife.
The epistle helps us understand Joseph’s faith through that of Abraham, the father of believers.

In the Gospel, Joseph, seeing that Mary was expecting a child of whom he was not the father, chose to repudiate her in secret, thus sparing her the punishment for adultery prescribed in Deut. 22:22-24.
God makes it clear to Joseph that the child Mary is carrying was given to him by a miracle.

Lessons to remember:
– Joseph is a model for us as a man of faith who cooperates with God’s plan,
– he is also a model husband who advocates nonviolence in marriage,
– he is also a protector of life from the moment of conception.

Happy feast of St. Joseph to all. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen



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