Feast of Consecrated Life
The Ancient and New Space of God’s Mercy in the Contemporary World
At a time when Consecrated Life is feeling the tremors of an epochal change where the numbers of Consecrated Persons are dwindling vertiginously without seeing an offspring and the new languages of mankind are demanding vocabularies capable of being understood, a new proposal is looming on the horizon that seeks to combine the instance of God’s thought on His creation and the actualisation of the Work of His hands in the contemporary world.
It is a new, dynamic intuition, which in the careful reading of history and listening to the Word of God and the Church, draws from the treasure of His tradition what can still save mankind and finds the answer in the renewed promise of God the giver of all Mercy, at work in today’s world.
It is an art of interlocking that sees different Associations of Italian Mercy, welcoming Sisters from different parts of the world to weave together good works in which God’s Mercy goes back to work and expands in the missionary space of every continent.
The Space of the Different Congregations in the Heart of the Father’s Mercy
It is a dream that the Church has carried in its heart for a long time: to see that the different charisms, while retaining their peculiarities, meet and recognise themselves in what is the only Charism: to give God’s love to the world, to allow God’s Mercy to be at work!
0ra, in the family of Spazio Spadoni the “puzzle” is realised as in the great Byzantine mosaics representing the luminous Christ the Pantrocutor with multiple colours all committed to saying the one Beauty: Christ who is incarnated, expands and works everywhere and together, because today in particular it is only this firm will of fraternity of communion, this humble synodal dialogue between the different ways of saying and witnessing Christ that will allow the Church of tomorrow to regain its true Face.
HIC SUM is the generous word that the Sisters of different congregations pronounce when they come to Italy to “learn” the way to put themselves so that the works of charity return to inhabit the earth.
HIC SUM is the generous word that the Lay Sisters of Mercy pronounce when they go on mission to help realise projects of human promotion and development by flanking the various Religious Institutes in that promotion which is not to possess or to give more, but to give differently, in that complementarity that allows the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy to re-experience and re-experience the Church today.
Today, Spazio Spadoni proposes this formula and this new style of being in Consecrated Life in a current re-evolution of the Word contemplated and incarnated in the Works of Mercy; an unprecedented way of placing oneself in the history of the poorest, necessary for the times we live in which the harvest is great and the labourers are few: the times of inclusion, of socio-cultural inequality of computer communication, of virtual contacts and artificial intelligence. Religious life on the road with and among brothers and sisters of every culture and country because…
God’s mercy is at work! Always!
Sister Roberta Casini