Fare Spazio: the third edition of the Convention will be held in Sicily

Spazio Spadoni: the third edition of the Convention in Sicily to promote the Works of Mercy

Just a few days separate us from the start of the third edition of the Spazio Spadoni Convention, which this year will be entitled “Making Space for the Re-Evolution of the Works of Mercy“.

The event will take place in Sicily at the beautiful Sanctuary Madonna della Scala in Noto on 15, 16, 17 September.

Why will the Convention be held in Sicily?

Over the past year, Sicily has been a rich and fertile ground for the Hic Sum missionary projects that Spazio Spadoni promotes and supports. Starting with the Hic Sum project of the Misericordia of Acireale and then that of the Misericordia of Rosolini, several other Misericordie have shown their interest and are working to activate these projects. The particular attention of these associations has developed a structured process of awareness of the work of Spazio Spadoni in the area, so much so that a small local structure, called Spazio Spadoni Sicilia, has become necessary.

The Convention Programme

events list

The Convention will begin on Friday 15 September at 11 a.m. and will end on Sunday 17 September with Holy Mass presided over by H.E.R. Monsignor Fortunatus Nwachukwu, Secretary of the Dicastery for Evangelisation.

A rich programme that will see the presence of many national and local Associations who will have the opportunity to tell how their service can be recognised in the Works of Mercy. All this will be accompanied by testimonies of those who have received the work.

Among the Associations present will be Caritas, “Ci Ridiamo Su”, the Misericordia of Modica and that of Rosolini, FRATRES, UNITALSI, Movimento Apostolico Ciechi, Meter and AIDO.

Among the guests were also H.E.R.M. Monsignor Salvatore Rumeo, Bishop of Noto, and H.E.R.M. Monsignor Luigi Renna, who had the opportunity to personally meet Luigi Spadoni in recent months. The former during his arrival in the Diocese of Noto, and the latter during the awarding of the ‘Silver Palm – Iustus ut palma florebit’ conferred precisely on Spadoni last 24 July in Acireale.

Also this year there will be the presence of Sr. Elisabetta Giussani, Superior General of the Missionary Congregation Sorelle di Santa Gemma, who will tell us how the Works of Mercy are lived every day by the many volunteers who animate the mission in Kavimvira, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and within the Hic Sum project to which they have adhered.

There will also be the presence and testimony of the ‘Missione Speranza e Carità di Fratel Biagio Conte’, the University of Cumo, missionary Annamaria Amarante, Fra Giuseppe Collura and the mayors of Rosolini and Noto, Spadola and Figura.

The evenings will be enlivened by theatrical and musical performances.

The Convention will be ONLINE

As every year, it will be possible to follow the event ONLINE by connecting to the Facebook page and YouTube channel of Spazio Spadoni and Spazio Spadoni Sicilia.

Upcoming Conventions

The one to be held in Noto will only be the first of the conventions planned for this year. The others will be held in Benin, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya.



Spazio Spadoni

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