Christmas: feast to be together or a society of consumerism?
In the last years the image of Christmas has changed drastically
Christmas was a feast to unite families to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ but it changed to a moment of consumerism.
It has become a moment where business is booming, shop selling all sort of Christmas decorations, time to incite spending more. Whenever you enter a shop, mall and supermarket there is discount which influence the shoppers to buy more than what they need. People are forgetting the meaning of Christmas which is to celebrate God who decided to be born of a Human being so that He can save us but now even Christian have tendence of forgetting this take it as a moment of show up they are financial capability in participating in charitable activities.
It has become a forced charitable activity or even a show up activity which luck the essential meaning. One decides to help someone or even a children home but the first action is the put it on social media to gain more views or followers. It is no more that moment of being emphatic to us those who does not have, the moment of sharing the joy and bond with the less fortunate but a force arm giving in churches or for influences to do such kind of activities to show off.
Christmas is a moment of going back to our inner most to see where there are obstacles, hills, stone which separate us from God and clean it by going to the sacrament of reconciliation as John the Baptist say prepare, they way of the Lord. By doing so we will be able to celebrate and do any act of mercy with dignity and the people we want to help will feel the presence of God in us and among us.
If we celebrate Christmas in this way Christ will be born to us and he will remain among us His name Say Emmanuel (GOD WITH US) .Let’s each day of our remaining time on earth be a constant CHRISTMAS and our actions will be filled with God mercy and Love.